Activity Lesson 2

To get out of bed 30 minutes earlier to do something productive would be a long term benefit.

Stick to small habits that can produce great results in the long run.
Sleep more
Real food
Time in nature
acquire more skills (coding, new languagesā€¦)
work to achieve more resilience

Studying this course daily instead of focusing on day to day concerns, moving forward with other projects ā€¦ business and personal by doing something even small that moves things forward, instead of getting caught up in distractions and other peoples instant gratifications.

I can prepare my future self by continuing my education about money. I can work physically to better my body too.

I donā€™t know really, Iā€™ve been always used to prefer delayed gratifications since I was a child.

My first thought was waking up 30 minutes earlier every morning and using the added morning time to workoutā€¦lift weights, jog, swim during the warmer months. But I think going to bed earlier, by at least 30 minutes, means getting the same amount of sleep as usual and still having time to workout in the am.

Wake up every morning 1 hour before I waking up usually and use this time to read, yoga, meditation, writing, affirmations and visualization. By that I will improve drastically any aspect of my life.

Reading at least for 30mins everyday, study on the blockchain courses

I donā€™t sacrifice my productive time for sleep, nor am I an avid spender. I believe my biggest issue is time management. Being at home I am pushing to be a freelance illustrator, and now iā€™m enrolled in this academy, as well as minimal stock trading and reading and learning on taxes. I also workout and cook and clean. So managing my time to do everything, or at least, break down my week so that I get everything done, is my biggest problem. I tend to focus a LOT on my craft, or I end up reading a lot on articles and books. So my ability to stay productive on one thing is oftentimes difficult.

the 80-20 pareto principle is where I am struggling with.

My life goal is to work just half a day so I can study, exercise and sleep more. Wealth for me is time and freedom. I exercise a lot so I eat a lot, I need to correct that maybe with intermittent fasting. Also less facebook and instagram and more courses like this one.

Reduce watching YouTube videos and spend more in the Ivan on Tech Academy.

I could save a little bit more money maybe and spend some less.
I also could game a bit less too learn a bit moreā€¦and thats happening right now actually :smiley:

A change I could make is being a better hodler. I now buy BTC or ETH every time I think itā€™s a good moment to buy, but I should be buying every friday (or any other day once a week) a small amount. That way I would not notice and still gradually save, though not always on the best moments but at least a lot of the best moments.

Iā€™m really not the sinner on the subject of overspending since I invest 2/3rds of my monthly pay check. Of the remaining 1/3rd 75% is bills, and 20-25% is grocieries. Usually my gratification habits cost somewhere between 1-5% of my total income.
The biggest gratification problem I have is procrastination, but if I cut away the streaming time that isnā€™t while ingesting a meal or exercising Iā€™d estimate an approximate of less than 10 hours on a good week and no more than 20 on a bad one.
Gratification can also be about prioritization though, and thereā€™s where my greatest struggle lies. Iā€™d get more value for my hours and more money for both investments and gratification if I just could burn through the academy and go full-time crypto already :grin:

reduce watching netflix(instant small gratification) as it is not good for my future self and instead learn at ivan`s academy ( not instant but growing gratification leading to big gratification at end of course ) :slight_smile:

I could start exercising again for at least 15 minutes each day. This would shift my time preference from high to low.

I think that probably i should change something related to both my diet and exercise routines. Letā€™s be honest, eating junk food and doing less cardio activity are an carismatic instant gratifications. But indeed i should do more exercise and eat more wealthy though it will not be an instant gratification.

Go to bed earlier, and not waste time scrolling on the phone before going to sleep. And also from that wake up earlier and use that time to exercise and study.

Studying more to get my family off ā€œwreck city expressā€ that government forced us into and get involved with helping to build infrastructure thatā€™s gonna benefit everyone not just selected few.

Cooking more and eating less out, even though this happens only 2-3 times a month. But when I eat out, I usually enjoy it a lot with or without someone else.

I already made a lot of conscious decisions in the past to reduce spending. So at the moment there is not a lot I can think of anymore, I think I am doing fine.