Where are you from? Let's connect!

HI Dirk. How is Berlins Crypto Community? Im sure its thriving.

hi there how is it going for you @Thaddeus19 @tanja

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thank you for your tip!

Hi guysI
Im from madrid spain

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From Wyoming in the US but I am living in Germany

worked in Malta and much other Places

Super excited to be here

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Hello everyone! Iā€™m from Brazil but Iā€™m currently living in Warsaw, Poland :smiley:


Hello @viola , how is that learning going in the academy?

Hi guys. I am from Chicago. I am looking for people I can meet up with and share ideas and views. I you are from Chicago, lets meet up for a cup of coffee, no sugar and milk!)


Guten morgen party people. I am from Heidelberg Germany living in Mannheim (cheaper) hope to connect to you national and international.

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Barcelona here! Welcome, bienvenido

@pedromndias, @Raulitiu

Hey guys!..Iā€™m also in Barcelona :smiley:
ā€¦ back here in the academy after a short break after finishing the JavaScript for Blockchain Developers course. Iā€™ve been learning about how to make AJAX requests with JavaScript, and Iā€™ve just got the hang of how to request crypto data from an API to get it integrated dynamically on a web page! :open_mouth: ā€¦still canā€™t quite believe it myself yet! :rofl: :joy:
Iā€™m now back, pumped, and just getting started on the Ethereum Smart Contracts course :muscle:
Will I see any of you guys around in there?

Do you mean ā€œtechnoā€ or like hardcore classical? :wink:

@jon_m @pedromndias im from madrid. I guess we cant meet that easy. I see that @jon_m is a lot in front with the studies. Was it all from the academy?

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I first started with Codecademy just over a year ago - I found it really helpful to learn and get lots of practice with the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript before launching into this academy (last September). I also started a really good JavaScript course on Udemy (I can give you the details if youā€™re interested) but I havenā€™t finished that yet - I may never do, as thereā€™s too much other interesting crypto stuff to do! :rofl: :joy:
However, the Udemy course introduced me to using Node.js to run JavaScript in the terminal - also really useful to have used beforehand.

I think it really helped me to have spent quite a bit of time learning and practising the basics before doing the JavaScript course here in the academy. Iā€™ve also recently been using Codecademy to supplement the end of the JavaScript for Blockchain Developers course - for promises, callback functions and asynchronous JavaScript. Iā€™ve also been using Codecademy to learn about how to make those AJAX requests to APIs that I mentioned.

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Both :v:
I like Music from Bonzai records ectā€¦
Iā€™mā€™ somewhere on soundcloud

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Good to see you supporting a local Belgium-based record label :wink:

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oh wow! you do have some skills! I am doing the Ethereum Smart Contract 101 still. hopefully finish it this week

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Great! Iā€™m just about to get properly started on Ethereum Smart Contracts 101, today! :smiley:
Where in Barcelona do you live? Iā€™ve been in Poblenou for years nowā€¦

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I am really enjoying this course, Filip is great at explaining. I live close to Plaza EspaƱa. We should meet for some study!

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Yeh, Iā€™ve always found Filip great at answering questions - Iā€™m really looking forward to this smart contracts course as Iā€™ve been thinking about working in DeFi - need to learn a lot more first, though :sweat_smile:

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