What is Defi? - Assignment

Today’ s TVL: $96.3B
I think that in year 2022 we will have some “fun stuff” going on in traditional markets and in my opinion the crypto will be pretty much in line with traditional markets. I think that growth of TVL in this year won’t be so aggressive as in previous years, many people will run to the “safe side” and cash out or invest in raw materials or commodities. On the other hand, institutions will have easier ways to invest in crypto, and usually all institutional investors are long term. I suppose that in this year we will be ranging between $90B and $130B of total value locked, this is a total guess from me :slight_smile:

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The TVL at the moment of writing is 94.24 Bn USD dollars.
In one year I think we could easily duplicate this sum
My prediction is 180 Bn USD Dollars by January 2023.
Why am I so bullish?
As we can see right now, a lot of attention is been attracted by Institutional Investors, and Very famous Artists.

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Current USD 91.95B locked my end of year prediction is USD 189B.

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Today’s value is $ 89.99 billion which is a 91.7% increase in Defi locked in value since the initia course.

Would be hard to make an accurate prediction considering Defi’s all time history being inconsistent since the locked in value has gone parabolic in 2021. A bullish prediction prediction of Defi’s locked in value at around $ 252 billion which is double the growth since the last course. If growth was consistent my prediction would be at $ 172 billion. A bearish prediction would still be growth considering the advancements Defi has made since the original course at 30ish % of a locked in value of $ 117 billion.


Currently the TVL is around 91B. My guess is around 300B by the end of the year.


Current TVL - 91.03 B
End of this year - 200B

Still got the entire year to go! :nerd_face:


The TVL today (January 11th 2022) is 93.38B.
End of this year - 250B

it says 97B, but it’s misleading, because it’s only:
“Every hour, we refresh our charts by pulling the total balance of Ether (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens
so this is very limited. I own almost no ETH myself, all my value is locked in other chains.

Currently @ 96 Billion
Could go as high as 180 Billion in the next 12 months…maybe.

[quote=“thecil, post:1, topic:42424”]
The current DeFi TVL is $96B.
Now it is January so it is difficult to predict its value for end of 2022 because this will also depend on the global stock market behaviour.
If the stock market does not correct significantly, I can see a DeFi TVL of around 160B for the end of 2022
If instead there will be a big crash in the stock market, an similar crash is to expect in the DefI.

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Today the TVL is sitting at 96.5B. My end of the year prediction is at 117B.

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96B TVL as of today. EOY 2022 my prediction 130B

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96 Billion right now. I’m guessing it will be twice that or more by the end of the year.

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Right now the TVL is $96B. But we must keep in mind, that DeFi Pulse is only taking Ethereum-based DeFi projects into account, as it caluclates the TVL by looking at the Ethereum blockchain data, according to he description on the site. There are also a lot of DeFi projects on other L1 chains.

The current economic situation we are in makes it hard to predict anything. If the world economy will fall into a recession or a bear market, then a lot of money could be pulled from DeFi, and the TVL could fall to $50B or lower. In some way a bear market would not even be that bad, as the bulld market and NFT hype caught too much attention from the public and a cool down phase with a market consolidation could help to sift out the good from the bad projects.

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TVL today 95,995B. Prediction 250B by thee end of 2022

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Value of locked value in Defi pulse is $96B.

Defi basically stands of decentralised finance where usual instruments of cefi that were controlled by central authority are now been made decentralised using block chain that includes loans, insurance, interest on savings etc. Defi includes several components like infrastructure, stable money , financial services and legos. These all are been done with the help of smart contract between two entities. With the help of smart contracts everything is code based which was earlier controlled by middle men or central authority.

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Total value locked 96billion, end of year prediction (2022) 150b

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Currently, it is $96B. Till the end of the year, it can be around $160B

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As of 18 January 2022, TVL is $96B.
I don’t like making predictions, but with Ethereum 2.0 rolling out big changes, increasing pace of adoption, plus my general optimism, I’m gonna say over $200B by the end of 2022.

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MY guesstimate for end 2022 is over 200B Also defi pulse link not working , just me ?

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