Values Introduction

  1. Why do we need values?
  2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
  3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
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How to optimize our global, multicultural, multi-time zone team:

In some cultures, it is not ok to give negative feedback to or criticize your boss/superior or their work. In some corporations, as a new employee you are expected to not talk back to your boss/superior, you are expected to learn and just do your job. This prevents positive contributions, eliminates growth opportunities. In some cultures, like Brazilians, many people are prone to being late… the excuse is always the same: traffic! Not every Brazilian is like that, but it’s a good thing to know and it is important to let all team members know what is expected from them to ensure a synchronous workflow.

Like my friend Paul said, talk to, form your team with people who are different than you, that will question you and push you forward in a positive way.

Calibrate your values. create a decentralized team culture. The team members don’t have to ask the boss for permission every single time. If they are there part of the team, they are good and qualified to do their job. Or else they are irrelevant and don’t need to be there. But that is different from asking for advice. Solid values will allow for a decentralized, optimized decision-making process.

Define solid values: Form of collaboration, expected results, ways to promote efficiency, use diversity to achieve the best results, have a well defined iteration process to ensure consistency of results (SCRUM), be transparent, with the team, clients and the market.

Set the company’s values in stone.

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1. Why do we need values?
Because we all come from different backgrounds that have distinct values, and in order to have a team that collaborates efficiently, we will need to set out values and guidelines when it comes to collaboration, results, efficiency, diversity, communication, etc.

2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
When we have values, they serve as the foundation upon which the company is run. This enables team members to complete their jobs without constantly requesting approval from their team manager or lead.

3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
I see the values of a company as a guide on how to operate in the company, how to work with others, and the do’s and don’ts when interacting with other members of the organization.

As the saying goes, “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”
Therefore, regardless of our varied cultures or backgrounds, we are certain to collaborate efficiently if everyone in the organization follows the values as daily direction.


Why do we need values?

Values are a fundamental part of any company, but treated especially importantly at Moralis. This is because the team is incredibly diverse, including more than 35 countries around the world, and having value is a safe net for knowing how to behave at the company and what to expect from the rest of the team members when working and collaborating together. Values are the core of how we operate.

How do values help with decentralized decision making?

As we all know our values, the expected outcome of a decision can be easily derived from those. It helps in knowing how everybody will act and what the overall goals are.

How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?

We can use values as a “guideline” for collaboration and team work. Coming from so many different countries and cultures, following this guideline will help have the same grounds for work and goals and make efficient and correct decisions.

  1. In order to to keep a flow

  2. They are the base of everything (democracy, respect, transparency)

  3. With order, efficiency and with metrics


1. Why do we need values?
Moralis is building a multi-generational success machine, with this the company values mean everything as it can not be over emphasis looking at where they are going.
2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
At Moralis if everyone knows our values we don’t have to ask the manager, Team lead for each and every decision. Everyone knows our values we know what to expect from each other and we know what is expected of us.
3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
Values help us in setting expectations straight across teams and most importantly they serve as a guide for how Moralis can, not only become highly successful but, also stay successful for generations.

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With creating a global multi-generational organization transcending various cultures, values have been historically shown to be unifying and guiding in purpose and direction, especially in a decentralized organization. A great example of this is the quick ascendance of the historical Knights Templar across the known world of their time. It empowers the individual in a manner consistent with empowering the organization.

This values-based theme is very helpful in that it is fluid in its adaptability on the “local” level. This is by empowering the skilled individual member to make appropriate decisions without requiring hierarchal approval- a wonderful way to avoid micromanaging.

Collaboration is fostered by the mindfulness of adherence to the values- ensuring communication and aiding in decision-making in order to do what is expected.



  1. We need values because we’re building something that is bigger than us and that we will most likely pass on to future generations. Values also give us the footprint by which we do our jobs.

  2. Values define how we work and help us make our own decisions on a day-to-day basis without having to ask for permission or guidance from others unnecessarily.

  3. If we all share the same values, then we all know what to expect from one another and therefore, what is expected of us regardless of our background.

  1. Why do we need values?

values are like a compass, it helps to find a purpose of a person or organization.
I also like values as the operation system that the team runs on; values explain how to work together in an optimal manner.

  1. How do values help with decentralized decision making?

if everyone in the team knows the values, we don’t have to ask the manager for each decision to make. it can help to have each other back, build trust, be supportive and do your best everyday with clear expectations individual and collectively.

  1. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?

values is our calibrator system where every persons can contribute regardless of their culture, experiences and background. Values can make members of the organization work with synergy and make an organization a living entity moving the engine to the direction of the vision and mission.

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  1. Values act as a driving force for the long-term mission of the company, allow for optimal and decentralized decision-making. Values compose a work OS for the company to run on and for the team members to be guided by.
  2. Studying, knowing, being aligned and driven by the values of the company contributes to the autonomy of each professional. As long as the decision-making process is executed with values, prioritizing and weighting in mind, every team member can achieve the greater goals of the company, composing a strong and reliable team.
  3. Values “calibrate” (align) the professionals in the organization by introducing them to the way of collaboration, communication and working in the company.
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1. Why do we need values?

  • To calibrate with everyone, as people come from all different backgrounds and cultures
  • Explain how we work, how relationship is between boss and team
  • Explain how we work together in an optimal manner

2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?

  • you don’t need to ask your manager for every single decision, you can refer back to the values
  • Values are like the operating system
  • Don’t need all the approval processes if we stick to the values
  • we know what to expect from each other and we know what’s expected of us

3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?

  • Values in different cultures are wildly different, therefore by having company values we can override the cultural values
  • Example - in some culture you cannnot critic the boss even when they are wrong, Moralis does not work like this and therefore has values such as results and collaboration to combat this
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Why do we need values?
Because a multigenerational, multi-cultural company which they are working remotely must have some consensus rules for collaborating with each other or make some decisions.

How do values help with decentralized decision making?
values are core logical functions(foundations).if we filter our acts, results or anything like these throw the foundations we can reach a consensus point

How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
values help people to think in a unified way. this unified way helps people in organizations to keep their actions and decisions aligned with the mission of the company.

1. Values are necessities in a creative dynamic such as Moralis. It lays down the baseline for collaboration, results, efficiency, diversity, iteration, & transparency.

2. Coming to conclusions will reveal efficiency when everyone is on the same page of values. In work environments, we don’t need a helicopter hovering over our every move. Being able to do what’s expected of you & identifying boundaries is needed for CREDIT.

3. Values help us collaborate across different backgrounds by setting the tone. Everyone comes from very unique areas whether it’s culturally across the world or the CEO of a company. Communicating along equal values gives us the upmost transparency needed in a strong team.

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  1. We need values because they give the people working in an organization a sense of direction on how things should happen and should be handled. It gives us common ground upon which we can all come back to and always keep in mind as we go about our tasks.
  2. They help in that they give a good foundation that describes how the organization runs. People working from all corners of the world rely on these values to ensure they are as productive as possible while doing the work how the organization requires them to.
  3. Values help us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds by giving guidelines by which everyone must adhere to, to avoid conflicts and to promote collaboration, results, and efficiency.
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Without shared values there can be no cohesion within a unit, only chaos will ensue. There are many cultures and many peoples from all around the world, we all come from different upbringing and most certainly have been exposed to a number of different values throughout our time. Establishing values within a working organization is a crucial, core component to ensure that everyone is operating from the same place at the base layer.

Values assist in decision making because they empower individuals to make a choice without need for approval, rather than asking a co-worker if the decision you are making is “right” many times you can simply refer to the organizational values and proceed as necessary.

Business culture and ethical culture vary widely around the globe, when it comes to collaboration, it is absolutely vital that there is as least resistance as possible to ensure maximum effective throughput. If all employees of an organization share the same values then they will be able to speak freely and not allow their different backgrounds or previous experiences to hinder the progress they are working to achieve together.

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  1. Working with others from different backgrounds and cultures can be tricky. Values helps everyone get on the same page and work efficiently - a type of governance in web3 terms.

  2. We eliminate the constant need to validate and second guess our actions when we operate with a set of values that everyone agrees on from day one.

  3. Understanding a company’s values acts as a calibrating system to produce an effective organization no matter what your culture or background may be.

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Values Introduction
Our values are the operating system that the team runs on.

Values ensure efficiency in onboarding new teammates, setting expectations straight across teams and most importantly they serve as a guide for how a company such as Moralis can, not only become highly successful but, also stay successful for generations.

We grow and create something of that magnitude by making decisions in a decentralized manner. If everyone knows our values we don’t have to ask the manager for each and every decision.

Values calibrate working in a decentralized way across different backgrounds and experiences. Because our value system is structured and focuses on the growth and education of individuals within the organization. :100:

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  1. Values help us respect each other especially as a group from various cultures and backgrounds.

  2. It helps us have the common sense on how to approach something without feeling the need to ask for constant validations from our seniorities

  3. Values make us understand the boundaries of our words and actions towards another with respect on the difference that we have from another. It helps us have a more meaningful professional relationships to make us approachable and empathetic with each other as well.

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  1. Because we have differences between our cultures that should not interfere with our jobs and teammates who have different ones. We need standard values to be able to work together in an effective way
  2. By having them, we know how the company operates so we will likely be able to know the decision that will be chosen beforehand without needing to constantly request approval from managers
  3. The do so by telling us how it is correct and expected us to behave, even when it differs from other experiences we had. But with this common standard, we all know how to operate as a team together and what is expected from us
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