Values Introduction

  1. Why do we need values?
    So that everyone understands what is expected, without having to ask. Having shared values helps us respect each other, get along and produce high output.

  2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
    Often decisions can be made without having to consult anybody, because they follow naturally from the values.

  3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
    We can share a common language and set of values, connecting us across boundaries on a non-technical, human level.

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We all come from different backgrounds, countries, upbringing etc that have their own values. In order for us to work good as a team and collaborate efficiently, we need to have a set of values and guidelines when it comes to working together, such as: diversity, communications, efficiency, results etc
Values are basically the foundation upon which a company and a team operates on. Without them, we would be working in an unbalanced, chaotic way, inefficient and frustrating for us and for others.
The values enables the team members and the individuals to complete their tasks without constant supervision, without the need to request approval from their manager and so on.
From my perspective, values are the first block of rules in a company, that will define how we work, collaborate and what expectations we have from each other, as colleagues and as a company.

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  1. We need values because in some cultures you don’t speak to the boss or you don’t speak up when you’re new - but in moralis we encourage people to speak up, share their thoughts, and give constructive feedback.

  2. Because we’re acting based on our values we don’t need to get an approval for something.

  3. Values help us set expectations across teams and colleagues and helps us grow together

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  1. We need values because they create a certain set of “rules” which make onboarding new team members more efficient, and it’s also a way for setting and managing expectations. Values are especially important in a global company with employees all over the world, because they set a common ground for understanding and working with each other.

  2. Values help with decentralized decision making because by having a common set of “rules”, you as an employee do not need to go to managers in order to make decisions, you just follow the hierarchy of values and you will arrive at your answer.

  3. Because people are different in the sense that they come from different cultures, or different way of working, values are a way to set expectations and to have a common ground of interacting with each other, even though the cultures are completely different.

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  1. Why do we need values?
    To give the ship guidelines to stay alive and succeed.

  2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
    The values are guidelines that let you know how to operate and iterate faster without having to rely on approvals for everything, also for better communication, having the values in mind when communicating will get everyone on the same page.

  3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
    Different professional backgrounds and cultures have usually different priorities and importance of values, by having a core guideline we can move faster as one.

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  1. Why do we need values?
    Values allow calibration between backgrounds, cultures and previous experiences. Values set expectations and guidelines that everyone on a team can follow. it clarifies and unifies team members to all work toward the Moralis vision.

  2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
    Values clarify expectations. Knowing what is expected allows each team member to make decisions without asking, and waiting for, others input prior to doing things. When everyone knows the values we don’t have to ask the manager for each and every decision. We know what to expect from others and what is expected of us. Values are the operating system that team runs on.

  3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
    values are a guide for collaboration between team members as well as across different teams. Values allow calibration between backgrounds, cultures and previous experiences. Values set expectations and guidelines that everyone on a team can follow. it clarifies and unifies team members to all work toward the Moralis vision. They ensure that we can be efficient in onboarding new teammates and serve as a guide for how Moralis can not only become successful and stay successful for generations .

1- Values give us a practical guide on how to work in a diverse and multicultural environment.

2- We do not need to run every decision by our managers since the stated values serve as guides.

3- Values help us calibrate cultural differences, know what is expected of us and what we should expect from others.

  1. Why do we need values? Because its the glue to our tape that holds the company together, the company to preform. It’s the bread to our butter, or as it says in the article: Our values are the operating system that the team runs on.
  2. How do values help with decentralized decision making? Because if we know the values, we don’t have to ask a manager every time for a decision.
  3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds? It gives everyone really a guide to follow, it’s kind of if you wouldn’t do it to your self, don’t do it to another person. It just makes life so much easier and kinder.
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  1. In order to make sure the company can function properly and efficiently
  2. They provide a “starting point” of understanding to work from
  3. They almost act as the rules of the road in a sense as folks are coming from different cultures may not be used to a certain way of doing things - established understood values make it possible for seamless collaboration
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  1. To calibrate team members who come across from different cultures, background and experiences.
  2. To provide a unified and holistic thought process while making decisions
  3. By calibration or setting the benchmark as to what is expected to be done no matter what individual’s culture, background or previous experiences could’ve been
1. Why do we need values?
         Different cultures expect people to handle social situations differently. We do not want to 
         appear rude to each other.
2. How do values help with decentralized decision making?
         We do not have to run to the manager for every decision or every problem.
3. How do values make us collaborate across cultures and different professional backgrounds?
     They define what is important and ranks the most important to the least important. Everyone  
         knows what results to make important.
  1. To calibrate how different people from different backgrounds work together and to ensure understanding and cooperation amongst employees.
  2. By providing the operation system framework for each individual to operate within.
  3. By calibrating communication in a manner that provides the framework for everyone to operate within.
  1. We need values to direct our actions in alignment with our goals that ultimately fit into our moral compass and overall vision. Values are what create groups of people who share certain shared interests.
  2. Decentralized decision making in web 3.0 is driven by a similar set of shared values that individuals and organizations have. Moralis operates on a level of decentralization that empowers individuals to work and create from anywhere in the world.
  3. Due to people coming from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures, it is crucial to understand the differences among people and how to be mindful, respectful, and conscientious of those differences. Collaboration with people of all backgrounds is synonymous with the decentralized structure and it is very important to be mindful of.
  1. To ensure everyone works together harmoniously
  2. It allows everyone to approach decision making with the same mindset, which enables decision making to be more async and independent
  3. It helps to avoid confusion, resentment and misinterpretation

Understanding values helps to make collaborative work to be easier and more comfortable for all

When decentralized decision making is required understanding values within the dynamic group allows for decisions to be made for the good of the team when made with the understood values of the team

Collaboration with values and how those values are viewed across culture, diversity as they are applied across a professional network, avoid resentment, misunderstanding and confusion.

  1. Values are needed to get the Team on the same level like each other when it comes to working on same project. These kind of guidelines ensure that everybody is familar with the structures and behaviours.

  2. Values make it possible to interact in a decentralised way. Everyone knows where to get the core guidlines, so it’s also possible to communicate and operate on a high intern standard.

  3. Values play a crucial role in fostering collaboration across cultures and professional backgrounds by providing a common ground for understanding and interaction.

We need values so that many people from different backgrounds and with different history and experience can cooperate to improve the careers of the team members as well as the individuals.

Values help with decentralized decision making by allowing faster progression and more open-mindedness to occur within the group. If we were held back by a chain of command on every decision, the world of Web3 would evolve faster than we could keep up. I really agree and am excited about the concept of decentralized decision making, especially because it gives the freedom for ideas to flourish without the reputation of the individual in the company being much of a factor as to if they are listened to or not. Allowing a more equal breeding ground for ideas from many sources will propel this business forward. What an innovative idea! I really enjoy that concept and I am excited to have my voice heard in this community.

If no negative feedback to the boss was allowed, we would have a mob led by a blind man.