Integrating ERC20 Token with the Game Discussion

hey @Riki so very sorry man i completelty forgot about your code only gotta chance to look at it there. It was an one lone fix whenn i cloned your repo you werent importing web3 properly into your html. i edited your file with the correct CDN and always remember to put any links to javascript files below the web3 link otherwise you will get an errroor.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Game for Pigeons</title>
    <script src="" integrity="sha512-0/nXBDmnbXRIkGvwIK2UWg4F8xscIFZHGl2sWevr6f0DnFEqZh4uTw78qLQYC16tVxbbHhoaaZLSBoIopZQucg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    <script src="eth.js"></script>
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/phaser.min.js"></script>
    <h1>Little Bitcoin Game for Pigeons</h1>

      var cursors;
      var knight;
      var crates;
      var coinTimer;

      var score = 0;
      var scoreText;

      var secondsLeft = 60;
      var timeLeftText;
      var timeLeftTimer;

      var gameOver = false;
      var coinsSent = false;
      //configure the game (height, width, render-type, game loop functions)
      var config = {
        width: 800,
        height: 500,
        type: Phaser.AUTO,
        scene: {
          preload: gamePreload,
          create: gameCreate,
          update: gameUpdate
          arcade: {

      function gamePreload(){
        console.log("the game is loading assets");
        this.load.image("background", "Assets/assets/background.png");
        this.load.image("bitcoin", "Assets/assets/bitcoin.png");
        //Loading assets

        //Load the run animation
        this.load.image("run_frame_1", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (1).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_2", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (2).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_3", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (3).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_4", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (4).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_5", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (5).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_6", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (6).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_7", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (7).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_8", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (8).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_9", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (9).png");
        this.load.image("run_frame_10", "Assets/assets/knight/run/Run (10).png");

        //Load the the idle animation frames
        this.load.image("idle_frame_1", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (1).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_2", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (2).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_3", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (3).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_4", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (4).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_5", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (5).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_6", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (6).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_7", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (7).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_8", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (8).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_9", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (9).png");
        this.load.image("idle_frame_10", "Assets/assets/knight/idle/Idle (10).png");

      function gameCreate(){
          //initial setup logic on the asset and other setup
        console.log("the game is setting up assets etc");

        //create background

        //create the knight
        knight = this.physics.add.sprite(100,100, "knight");
        knight.body.setSize(300,600,10, 0);
        knight.scaleX = 0.15; //20% of the size
        knight.scaleY = knight.scaleX;// same here
        //create the crates
        crates = this.physics.add.staticGroup();

        crates.create(40, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(120, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(200, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(280, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(360, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(440, 460, "crate");
        crates.create(740,460, "crate");
        crates.create(740,460, "crate");
        crates.create(670,370, "crate");
        crates.create(620,120, "crate");
        crates.create(600,370, "crate");

        //crates in the air

        //create animations

          key: "knight_run", // It's just the name of the animation
            {key: "run_frame_1"},
            {key: "run_frame_2"},
            {key: "run_frame_3"},
            {key: "run_frame_4"},
            {key: "run_frame_5"},
            {key: "run_frame_6"},
            {key: "run_frame_7"},
            {key: "run_frame_8"},
            {key: "run_frame_9"},
            {key: "run_frame_10"}
          frameRate: 10,
          repeat: 1

          key: "knight_idle", // It's just the name of the animation
            {key: "idle_frame_1"},
            {key: "idle_frame_2"},
            {key: "idle_frame_3"},
            {key: "idle_frame_4"},
            {key: "idle_frame_5"},
            {key: "idle_frame_6"},
            {key: "idle_frame_7"},
            {key: "idle_frame_8"},
            {key: "idle_frame_9"},
            {key: "idle_frame_10"}
          frameRate: 10,
          repeat: 1

        this.physics.add.collider(crates, knight);

        scoreText = this.add.text(16, 16, "Bitcoin Bag: 0",
                                {fontsize: "64px",
                                  fill: "#8142f5"});

        timeLeftText = this.add.text(16, 66, secondsLeft + "Seconds Left: 0",
                                  {fontsize: "128px",
                                  fill: "#f54242"});

        cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

        coinTimer = this.time.addEvent({

          delay: Phaser.Math.Between(1000,3000),
          callback: generateCoins,
          callbackScope:  this,
          repeat: -1

        timeLeftTimer = this.time.addEvent({

          delay: 1000, // counting back from 60 seconds
          callback: updateTimeLeft, // check how many seconds left, this is a function
          callbackScope:  this,
          repeat: -1

      function updateTimeLeft(){

                      var address = prompt("Please enter your ETH address", "");
                      if(address == null || address == ""){
                        alert("User cancelled the prompt");
                        mintAfterGame(address, score);
                      coinsSent = true;

                  secondsLeft -= 1;
                  timeLeftText.setText(secondsLeft + " seconds left");

                    gameOver = true;

      function generateCoins(){
        var coins ={
          key: "bitcoin",
          repeat: 1,
            x: Phaser.Math.Between(0,800),
            y: -100,
            stepX: Phaser.Math.Between(30,100)

          //code to execute each coins

        this.physics.add.overlap(knight, coins, collectCoin, null, this)


      function collectCoin(knight, coin){
        coin.disableBody(true,true); // 1 true disabling only, 2 true disappearing
        scoreText.setText("Bitcoin Bag " +score);

      function gameUpdate(){
        //console.log("game is updating");
        //monitoring input and telling game how to update

"knight_run", true);
          knight.flipX = true;
        else if(cursors.right.isDown){
"knight_run", true);
          knight.flipX = false;
        knight.setVelocityX(0);"knight_idle", true);
      if(cursors.up.isDown && knight.body.touching.down){


      var game = new Phaser.Game(config);


just copy and paste this over your index.html file. Its the exact same i just nade 2 small changes to the cdn and put all tags below the web3.js. sorry for forgetting about this

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Yes, there is a grave error on the content structure where all of a sudden we have eth.js.

Please fix the content structure as this distrupts the flow of learning. Just need to re-arrange the content…

And seeing this has been reported months ago made me worried


Hey @johnny_labu, hope you are well.

Could you please detail me a little bit which lessons you think are in a incorrect order? i can try fix it ASAP! :nerd_face:

Carlos Z

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i think the course worked relatively well. the only reason it may be difficult to complete is because it was recoderd years ago so the linrary imports such as open zeppelin no longer have thr "erc20-detailed contract " is all one erc20.sol contract now. the second hiccup i remeber is creating a wallet with myehterwalllet. you don not need to do this at all just use ganache to run a local testing env for yourdelf rather than truffle develop. (i cant remeber if filip uses ganaxhe in this). If you do those two things aka use rcent version of openzeppelin (must know some of how the contract works. resd it yourself) and use ganache and not myether wallet and you will be fine

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I was wondering what happened that I just missed something… but is about the file location in the course… Thank you Jak for the help!

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I’m getting the following errors. Any advice or ideas on how to fix this would be much appreciated.

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hey @hpwhocraft. the problem is your connection to the ROC node. this most likely means there is something wrong with your infura connection are you using the correct endpoint. also it seems your struggling to import web3.js aswell. use this cdn

<script src="" integrity="sha512-0/nXBDmnbXRIkGvwIK2UWg4F8xscIFZHGl2sWevr6f0DnFEqZh4uTw78qLQYC16tVxbbHhoaaZLSBoIopZQucg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

a lot of people i see in this course use a web3 cdn that doesn twork. this one is the up to date version. replace your old one with this. see if the error presists i would imagine there are errors in your truffle config file can you please shar it anf also a screenshot of your infura project page

Either there’s a missing video content where ‘eth.js’ was introduced - the frontend code where Filip will likely use and introduce web3.js, or the continuity of the content is broken. I suppose, placing a link of the code (‘eth.js’) below the video lecture will be helpful at the moment (understanding it takes time to review the course content and make some changes right away). Will continue and check the next videos (maybe the sequence was mixed up.

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The ‘missing’ video is not in the right sequence.
Everyone should watch ‘Configuring Web.js’ first which is found on Page 5 Section The Business Case for Decentralized Gaming then back to Page 3 Section Integrating ERC20 Token with the Game with ‘Redeploying & Configuring our Contract’.

An update for the Web3.js CDN Link, I used

<script src=""></script>
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I’m running into an issue with the “Redeploying and Configuring our Contract” video. I think some others have maybe had this issue too but I can’t understand some of the discussions above. When I fire up my server and run the game I get this mess in the console:

I have no idea how to proceed. Help would be greatly appreciated!

Below is my relevant code from my eth.js file:

web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("http://localhost:9545"));

var abi =  [
    "constant": true,
    "inputs": [],

And here’s the code at the bottom of the file:

  var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, "0x98c85b4A61a0663D307BC75Aae3DdB6b53D8ccF1")


  function mintAfterGame(address, numTokens){, numTokens).send({from: address})
      .on('receipt', receipt => {
         alert("Transaction Complete"); 

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can you share you git repo. ill have a look

Thanks! Here is all the code I am using (so far) for this project:

Everything was working up until this section.

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have you deployed to testnet yet or u still using local dev chain

I deployed to my local dev chain by firing up a server via python.

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hey @CaliCrypto22 how are you. ok so i dont think you pushed this code correctly. your project has no format. did you not truffle init to make a contratcs/ migrations folder with truffle config. theres no package.son either so did you npm init? can you just fix your project structure then ill fix it.

It looks like you addeed these seperatley. if ypu want to push entire code use

git add --all


git commit -m "commit message"


git push -u origin main

Yes, I did all the truffle init, etc (please see screenshot below). It’s just that I have no idea how to push it all to my Github account (I’ve never done that before).

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open up your terminal in your project folder and run the commands i said above it should work

Thanks . . . I tried that but got the following error message after entering the first command:

Okay, so I used this bit of code and that seemed to fix things for now:

<script src="" integrity="sha512-0/nXBDmnbXRIkGvwIK2UWg4F8xscIFZHGl2sWevr6f0DnFEqZh4uTw78qLQYC16tVxbbHhoaaZLSBoIopZQucg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>

I still get a lot of error messages in my console but at least “console.logging” the contract works (when I expand the “R” in the screenshot below).

I’m still not sure what all those “DevTool” errors mean.


thats great to hear. yeah when you coding in vanilla js like this you need that web3 cdn link in order to access your smart conracts to call functions, methods etc

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