Human Computer Interaction & Prototyping

Hi Filip,

Thank you for the course - so far has really enjoyed it. I am not a programmer nor a ‘techy’ guy at all. But it just happened that I am managing a group of a very creative and talented individuals who are developing a software for our business, and as the CEO of the startup while I am not trying to bud in too much with what they are doing, I would like to be as useful as I can. Therefore this prospective that you just shared in the previous video is very useful and I would say refreshing.

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Building Wireframes and Mockups is an important step to getting the user interface and the user experience right. As a software developer and manager I have evaluated many applications in my career and I’m always still surprised that it is the applications with the best user experience and the most intuitive interface that are the leaders in their space and not the most complete or best technical solution.

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Great course, thanks.
I worked as project manager for oil & gas, and probably waterfall is the more common approach in this industry.
Now, in later years there has been a combination of waterfall for the big picture view and some flavor of agile for specific parts of the project like engineering.
Nonetheless, I am familiar with system development life cycle approach.

Adobe XD is a free wireframing tool as well. Very good tool.


I am excited about this particular topic, I am not a developer and only understand basic concepts on some computer languages: HTML(markup), CSS and JavaScript. Have scratched the surface and little intimidated on moving to Solidity, EOS and the new language coming out Viper.

Having said that it sounds like a project manager having a basic understanding of programming in regards to this conversation on user friendly interfaces probably, isn’t such a bad thing, as they can test as a user with no programming to gauge its adoption in the marketplace.

I am excited to learn as much as possible about programming and understand that you will never stop learning as a programmer.

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Thanks Filip,

You are a rockstar !!!

I cant tell how glad I am I found this Academy, all of the guys and gals there are genuine
good people.

Just curious how the “Lexicon” is coming along ? :slight_smile:


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Hey folks,

I found FIGMA very useful to build from very simple wireframes to more complex ones, giving you an evolviing solution for your prototyping.

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Hi Filip,

Are there examples of a mockup blockchain using this proto tool? and if so do you have a link? Thank you.


Hello @Javier_Flores, maybe this links can help you get a better understanding :nerd_face:

Hope you find this useful.
If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.


Hey thanks Carlos for the information. Well appreciated. :grin: :floppy_disk:

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So as you mentioned @filip HCI is key , this is more on put yourself in the user’s shoes :footprints::hear_with_hearing_aid:

Its key to understand the psychology and user real needs since a doing a good work on UI + UX + coding = makes a project or Dapp being successful or not. Really those 3 key aspects needs to be developed together with the same care and should never be looked down

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So excited to play around w/all these tools. Thanks for the tea!

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Hi Filip,

I have a doubt. So using this app we basically don’t need to code the app or webpage? I am not a coder but I had designed systems to the company (I have a coder working for me) I work for and as I have a new one to build, I am now thinking in use this tool. Thanks!

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I was using excel to design for my coder. Will start using both software you showed.

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Exactly, no need to do any coding, is just a front UI prototype, meaning is only to know or get an idea on how your app should work.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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I don’t always make wireframes, but when I do I use Pencil project.


It is a really interesting course and I am enjoying it.

However, if we could have an handout summarising the key points and also a list of useful tools and software that you have tested and liked, that would be most useful. I suppose we all take notes but still an handout with an updated list of tools ( the ones you mentioned in your lecture and others) would be most welcome.

Or maybe you could post some links of application simulators and prototyping softwares in this discussion?

I believe your experience is priceless and it will help everyone.

Thank you for your teaching.

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Hi Philip, thanks for the intro to HCI :slight_smile:

Two things I find helpful at this stage that others can try too.

Cheers everyone, I hope this helps your creativity flow :pray:


Hello Filip. I found your intro chapter very interesting. It resonated for me because I’ve been working on projects for a while. In my experience your Agile board is exactly right. I also recognize the points on wanting to start coding as soon as my first meeting is over to get the skeleton out of the way. With experience you forecast the hurdles usually right away and the focus becomes to see if the hurdles can be overcome. This approach usually leads to excitement that a solution is available and then sharing that information with the customer. And this is what I’ve identified as a mistake. The customer usually can not relate to what the hurdles are, you know, like using a complex algorithm or finding a function that takes care of the issue.
Going back to the customer and saying “I figured out how to do the update and deletion filtering of data” never had the effect I had hopped for. My expectation was that the customer would share in the excitement at the very moment I’ve delivered the news in an IM or email. The reality is that the customer already moved on to the next project and wasn’t even thinking about my excitement about the project. Even though I am doing it exclusively for them. Doing this has been a learning experience for me to stop doing that and instead wait for the next agile sprint where the status of my progress can be delivered with anticipation for that status. I may not be as excited at that time but the synchronization between definition of Done and In Progress has a much better chance of concensus of progress.

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Very smooth course! Loving it so far! I already have some ideas!