Homework: Relay chain, Parachains and Parathreads

Parachains are other chains connected to relay chain directly and the parathreads connected to the relay chain temporary
the relay chain its the main chain of polkadot connect between other parachains by slots

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  1. Parachains are the diverse individual layer-1 blockchains that run in parallel on Polkadot , connected to the Polkadot Relay Chain and secured by the Relay Chain’s validator set. Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. This is done through economically sharing the scarce resource of a parachain slot among a number of competing resources ( parathreads ).

  2. The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain
    Parachains/Parathreads are connected to the Polkadot Relay Chain and share in the security of the Relay Chain.

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  1. Parachains: “sub-network” of blockchains that run in parallel on the Polkadot network. Highly scalable setup, each chain can be optimized to achieve specialization (for example: store of value only). Parathreads: sort of a pay as you go system, can be more economically friendly for those who don’t need to be connected to the network at all times

  2. All Parachains/Parathreads are connected to the Relay chain, inheriting it’s security and consensus features

  1. They are subscription models for specific use case blockchains that are a part of the Polkadot network. Both can have the same functionality but are different economically. In order to have a Parachain, the slot has to be leased for a certain time period. To have a Parathread block are paid for block by block.

  2. The Relay Chain is the main chain of Polkadot. All Parachains and Parathreads are connected to the Relay Chain where they share secuity and are able to communicate with on another.

  1. Polkadot unites an entire network of different blockchains into a single ecosystem. Each blockchain on this Polkadot Ecosystem (Relay Chain), is a parallel blockchain- therefore parachain. Parachains rent these slots via loaning DOT’s, Polkadot’s native currency. Parathread is the same, but simply not rented slots. Parathreads are temporarily using the Polkadot ecosystem and are paying Polkadot block per block basis, rather than a rent fee.
  2. Relay chain is where are parallel blockchains under Dot network connect, and simultaneous/ parallel transactions take place. Resulting in very fast, low cost, efficient, and secure transactions all at once. These parallel blockchains are parachains if they rent the slot via reserving DOT’s, or a Parathread if temporarily using the relay chain.
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  1. Parachains and Parathreads are slightly different ways of connecting to the relay chain that both provide the same benefits in terms of speed, scalability, and security since it is derived from the relay chain. Parachain slots are harder and more capital intensive to acquire than Parathreads. In the Parathread model, subscribers would be charged per minted block instead of for the Paprachain slot itself.

  2. The relay chain is really the heart of the blockchain that keeps all the Parachains and Parathreads connected to the rest of the system. Parachains are connections for projects that have won a slot auction and now have a dedicated Parachain slot that is optimized for their purpose. Parathreads on the other hand are smaller projects that either do not need or cannot afford a dedicated slot.

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Parachains are blockchains that run parallel in Polkadot. By running Parallel it allows highly scalable systems. Transactions are spread out across the chains allowing for more transactions to take place at the same time.
Parachains and Parathreads connect to the Relay Chain which is the heart of the of the Polkadot network and is responsible for shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability.

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What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
Parachains can support a number of different execution slots (one process at the time). Parathreads run in parallel with the main chain but are not full parachains. They both share the same API. They are subscription models.

What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay Chain?
All blockchains on Polkadot are connected to a Relay Chain. They’re optimized for specific use case; Parallel processing. It allows Polkadot to process transactions from all chains in network at the same time. It provides a secure way for chains to communicate with each other.

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Parachains:API-specific data structure accepted by the Relay Chain which gives paralelle transaction en scalability in a constant process’
Parathreads: temporarely enjoying the Polkadot security, because the can not acquire a full slot, but thy share the same profits. Share with the group

Relay chain, the hart of Polkadot; all chains are connected to the relay chain. the central chain.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    A parachain (parallelizable chain) is a simpler form of blockchain, which attaches to the security provided by a “relay chain” rather than providing its own. Due to their parallel nature, they are able to parallelize transaction processing and achieve scalability of the Polkadot system. They share in the security of the entire network and can communicate with other parachains through XCMP - Cross-chain Message Passing. XCMP queus opens channel between two parachains.
    Parathreads have the exact same benefits for connecting to Polkadot that a full parachain has. Namely, it is able to send messages to other para{chain,threads} through XCMP and it is secured under the full economic security of Polkadot’s validator set. The difference between parachains and parathreads is economic. Parachains must be registered through a normal means of Polkadot, i.e. governance proposal or parachain slot auction. Parathreads have a fixed fee for registration that would realistically be much lower than the cost of acquiring a parachain slot. Paracthread can be upgraded toparachain and parachain can becomes a parathread.
  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain is composed of a relatively small number of transaction types that include ways to interact with the governance mechanism, parachain auctions, and participating in NpoS (Nominated Proof of Stake). The Relay Chain has deliberately minimal functionality - for instance, smart contracts are not supported. The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the parachains, which have differing implementations and features.
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  1. Parachain is a chain which is connected to Polkadot relay chain and works parallel. Parathreads are similar to Parachain but Parathreads pays for everyblock as there are no dedicated slots for the Parathreads.
  2. Relay chain is the core of the Polkadot ecosystem. Parachains and Parathreads are connected to Relay chain and Relay chain provided basic functionality to those connected chains. Parathreads and Parachains have the exact same API.
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1.) What are Parachains and Parathreads?
Parachains; are parallel blockchain that’s part of the Polkadot architecture. Parachains share and maintain network security. Parachains are also known as shard chains.
Parathreads; a subscription model to the Polkadot network, with similarities to parachains. Paratheards will pay their network lease on a block per block basis. Network participation is temporary.
2.) What is a relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the relay chain?
Relay chains; is the main structure of the Polkadot network. All Parachains/Parathreads are connected to the relay chains. Relay chains maintain the security of the network and allow all parachains/parathreads to communicate at the same time.

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I’m going to be honest. I found really good answers / replies on this page and I will use some or whole bits to help me answer the exercises’ questions.

  1. Parachains are application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and possible to be validated by the validators of the Relay Chain.
  • Due to their parallel nature they are able to parallelize transaction processing and achieve scalability of the Polkadot system.
  • They share the security of the entire Polkadot network and communicate with other Parachain through the cross-chain messaging.
  • It is maintained by the network maintainer known as collator.

Parathreads are an idea for Parachains to temporarily participate in the Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated Parachain slot.

  • This is done through economically sharing a scarce resource of Parachain slot amongst a number of computing resources.
  • Chains that would otherwise not be able to acquire a full Parachain slot or don’t find economically viable to do so are enabled to participate in the Polkadot shared security with an associated fee per executed block.
  • It also offers a graceful offramp for Parachains that no longer require a dedicated Parachain slot but would like to continue using the Relay Chain.
  • Parathreads have the exact same benefits for connecting to Polkadot that a full Parachain has namely able to send messages to other Parachains and Parathreads through the cross-chain messaging and is secured under the full economic security of the Polkadot’s validator set.
  1. All Parachains / Parathreads are connected to the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain allows Polkadot to process all transactions from all chains in the Polkadot network at the same time or simultaneously. It also provides a secure way for chains to communicate with each other. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain.
    The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including Parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the Parachains, which have different implementations and features.
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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Parachains are the diverse individual layer-1 blockchains that run in parallel within the polkadot ecosystem connected to and secured by the central relay chain.It rents a dedicated slot to be able to interoperate with other chains
    Parathreads are the same but it does so without having to rent a slot and rather pay for the resources it uses when it needs them.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    A relay chain is the central chain in Polkadot that secures the network, coordinates consensus, and provides on-chain governance features. Its main responsibility is to secure and coordinate the system as a whole.
    Parachains and parathreads are connected to the relay chain where they share the security of the relay chain

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  1. Parachains are application specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by validators of relay chain. Parachains can communicate with each other and they share security of the entire network. Parachains are maintained by collator.
    Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporally participate in polkadot security. Parathreads don’t have to lease a full parachain slot. They are paying fee per executed block.

  2. Relay chain is a heart of Polkadot ecosystem. At allows Polkadot to process transactions from all parachains and parathreads at the same time.
    Parachains and parathreads are connected to relay chain. They share security of the network and relay chain.

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  1. Parachains are blockchains that are connected to the Polkadot Relay Chain via a leased parachain slot for a particular length of time. These Parachains can have their own tokens, consensus mechanisms, and even their own governance structures. Whereas, Parathreads are a sort of pooled parachain to allow different users to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security, without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot.
  2. The Relay chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. DOT (Polkadot’s native cryptocurrency) is used for bonding Parachains and Parathreads to the Relay Chain.
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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

In practice, parachains are domain specific blockchains that are connected to the Polkadot “chain”.

  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

The relay chain is in a way the Polkadot blockchain. It is the glue between the parachains. Parachains and parathreads interact with the relay chain.

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1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
Parachains are sovereign blockchains that can have their own tokens and optimize their functionality for specific use cases and has a dedicated slot on the relay chain. Parathreads shares slots in a pool and allows participation on Polkadot when necessary as a pay-as-you-go model.

2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay Chain?
The relay chain is responsible for the network’s shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability. Parachains and Parathreads connects to slots on the relay chain to participate in the Polkadot network.

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  1. Parachain is an application specific data-structure that built on Polkadot ecosystem, so it require DOT/KSM as payment mechanism for the lease, using Substrate as tools to develop, it is supported by native collators and dedicated validators from Polkadot to provides functionality in the form of decentralized applications. Parathread is similar to Parachain without necessity of a lease to provide functionality as it is open for individual bid for block space. in other word, Parathread is “pay as you go” model of Parachain.
  2. Relay chain is the core infrastructure of Polkadot Ecosystem, it provides the way for each Parachain and/or Parathread to communicate with each other slots. The Relay chain also responsible for the Polkadot network’s shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperabillity.
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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

A parathreads are like applications that are on disk and can be copied into memory when needed. Parachains must be registered through a normal means of Polkadot, i.e. governance proposal or parachain slot auction.

Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. Parathreads have a fixed fee for registration that would realistically be much lower than the cost of acquiring a parachain slot. (Pay as you go Parachains)

  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    Relay chain are the heat of the Polkadot and it responsible for the network’s shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability. Polkadot can support a number of execution slots. These slots are like cores on a computer’s processor (a modern laptop’s processor may have eight cores, for example). Each one of these cores can run one process at a time. Polkadot allots these slots using two subscription models: parachains and parathreads. Parachains have a dedicated slot (core) for their chain and are like a process that runs constantly. Parathreads share slots amongst a group, and are thus more like processes that need to be woken up and run less frequently.
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