Homework: Relay chain, Parachains and Parathreads

  1. Parachains are blockchains that run in parallel in Polkadot. By running in parallel it allows for highly scalable systems. Transactions are spread out across the chains allowing for more transactions to take place at the same time.
    Parathreads are parachains that temporarily participate in Polkadot security without needing a dedicated parachain slot (sharing resources). Pay as you go so it is more economical for blockchains that don’t need to always be connected to the network.
  2. Parachains and Parathreads connect to the Relay Chain which is the heart of Polkadot network and is responsible for the shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability.
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  1. Parachains are blockchains within the Polkadot ecosystem that run parallel to each other. They take up a Parachain slot on the Relay Chain. Parathreads lease a Parachain slot by paying a fee and temporarily take up a Parachain slot on the Relay Chain.

  2. The Relay Chain is connected to all the validators and is the heart of the Polkadot system. The transaction types that happen on the Relay Chain maintain all the Parachains.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Polkadot can support a number of execution slots on the relay chain and allots these slots using two subscription models: parachains and parathreads. Parachains have a dedicated slot for their chain and are like a process that runs constantly. Parathreads share slots amongst a group, and are thus more like processes that need to be woken up and run less frequently.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain is composed of a relatively small number of transaction types that include ways to interact with the governance mechanism, parachain auctions, and participating in NPoS. The Relay Chain has deliberately minimal functionality - for instance, smart contracts are not supported. The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains. It serves as a base layer for the parachains/parathreads to be able to communicate with each other and secures all parachains under the full economic security of Polkadot’s validator set.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Parachains are Sovereign blockchains that can have their own tokens and optimize their functionality for specific use cases.
    Parathreads are similar to parachains but with a pay-as-you-go model. More economical for blockchains that don’t need continuous connectivity to the network.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    The Relay Chain is connects all blockchains on Polkadot. The Relay Chain is responsible for the network’s shared security, consensus and cross-chain interoperability. Provides a secure way for Parachains and Parathreads to communicate with each other.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

Parachains are sovereign blockchains running in parallel on the Polkadot and Kusama networks. These are connected to the Relay chain which ensures scalability, interoperability, governance and security amongst the parachains. There can only be around 100 parachains connected to the Relay chain at a time.

Parathreads are Parachains that connect to the Relay Chain and use a pay-as-you-go model (block to block basis) instead of using a parachain slot to access the benefits of the Relay chain. It is a helpful model for those chains who do not manage to get a parachain slot, and it also offers and easy off-ramp to parachains that no longer require a slot.

  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

A Relay chain is a central chain which provides layer 0 security and interoperability for up to approximately 100 layer 1 blockchains connected as parachains. Parachains and Parathreads connect to the Relay chain to access the benefits of security, interoperability, scalabity and governance.

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  1. Parachains are blockchains that run parallel to the Relay Chain, they are application-specific data structures that is validatable by the validators on the Relay Chain, can achieve scalability and are maintained by a collator. Parathreads are chains not able to acquire a full Parachain slot, but that want to experiment the same benefits as Parachains and take advantage of Polkadot’s security.
  2. Parachains and Parathreads connect to the Relay Chain, that is Polkadot’s main chain. All validators are in the Relay Chain, and it also functions as a secure way for all chains to communicate with each other.
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  1. Parachains are blockchains within the Polkadot ecosystem that run parallel to each other. They take up a Parachain slot on the Relay Chain. Parathreads are parachains that temporarily participate in Polkadot security without needing a dedicated parachain slot. Parathreads share a slot with other parathreads.

  2. The Relay Chain is connected to all the validators and is the heart of the Polkadot system. The transaction types that happen on the Relay Chain maintain all the Parachains

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  1. Parachains are blockchains with an allocated slot within the poladit parachain system - parachains are a process that runs constantly.

Parathreads share a slot amongst a group and operate on a block-based paced (they are not active all the time, only always for a given amount of blocks for example)

  1. Parachains / parathreads are connected to the polkadot relay chain. If the parachain had to revert all of the parachains would also revert to ensure the the validity of the system and ensure that none of the parts are corruptible
  1. Parachains are parallel blockchain networks that operate on the polkadot network. This allows the blockchain to be secured by Polkadot as well as have the benefit of inoperability with all the other parachains and Polkadot itself.

2.The Relay chain is the network that connects all parachains and allows for parallel processing of all Parachain and Parathread transactions at the same time.

  1. The Relay chain:
  • at the heart of the Polkadot network, is the chain that connects all the blockchains on Polkadot
  • blockchains connected to the Relay chain can be optimised for a specific usecase (Centrifuge)
  • allows Polkadot to process tx from all chains in the network at the same time (simultaneous or parallel tx processing of parachains)
  • provides security of interoperable chain communication = crosschain messaging exchange of any data type (i.e. token tx)
  1. Polkadot supports a number of execution slots - each of them can run a process at a time.
    Most of the computation that happens on the polkadot network will be delegated to a specific parachain or parathread:
  • depending on the slots subscription models (difference is mostly economic)
  • that handle various usecases
  • have the exact same API

1.1. Parachains:

  • have a dedicated slot for their chain, run constantly
  • an application specific data structure
  • prallelise tx processing & achieve scalability of the polkadot ecosystem
  • share secutity of the entire polkadot network
  • are maintained by the network maintainer = collator maintaining a full node, retain information & produce new blocks candidates to pass to the relay chain validators

1.2. Parathreads:

  • share a slot amongst their group
  • pay on a block to block basis - associate fee per executed block
  • an idea for parachains to temporarily participate in polkadot security
    (no longer require a dedicated parachain slot but continue to use the Relay chain &
    have the same benefits of connecting to polkadot that a parachain has)

Parathreads can become parachains and vice versa.


A parachain is an application-specific data structure that is globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain. Most commonly a parachain will take the form of a blockchain, but there is no specific need for them to be actual blockchains. They take their name from the concept of parallelized chains that run parallel to the Relay Chain. Due to their parallel nature, they are able to parallelize transaction processing and achieve scalability of the Polkadot system. They share in the security of the entire network and can communicate with other parachains through XCMP.

Parathreads are an idea for parachains to temporarily participate (on a block by block basis) in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. This is done through economically sharing the scarce resource of a parachain slot among a number of competing resources (parathreads). Chains that otherwise would not be able to acquire a full parachain slot, or do not find it economically sensible to do so, are enabled to participate in Polkadot’s shared security — albeit with an associated fee per executed block. It also offers a graceful off-ramp to parachains that no longer require a dedicated parachain slot, but would like to continue using the Relay Chain.

The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain is composed of a relatively small number of transaction types that include ways to interact with the governance mechanism, parachain auctions, and participating in NPoS. The Relay Chain has deliberately minimal functionality - for instance, smart contracts are not supported. The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the parachains, which have differing implementations and features.


What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

Parachains are application specific data structures that are globally coherent and validatable by the validators of the Relay Chain. They can parallelise transaction processing and achieve scalability. They are maintained by the Network maintainer called the Collator.

Parathreads are an idea for Parachains too temporarily participate in Polkadot security, they share a slot amongst their group and share the same benefits for connecting to Polkadot like sending messages through the cross-chain messaging system.

What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

The Relay Chain is the heart of the Polkadot network, all blockchains are connected to the Relay Chain. allows Polkadot to process TX from all chains in the network at the same time and provides a secure way for chains to communicate with each other.

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  1. Parachains are blockchains that run in parallel while connected to the relay chain. They have dedicated slots. Parathreads are parachains that do not have a dedicated slot, they share a slot with other parathreads.

  2. Relay Chain is the main chain of Polkadot and the center of the ecosystem which connects the parachains together. Parachains and threads use collators and relay their info to the main chain via validators.

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1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
They are subscription models for execution slots on the Polkadot.
Parachains have a dedicated slot for their chain and are like a process that runs constantly. Parathreads share slots amongst a group, and are more like processes that need to be woken up and run less frequently.

2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
Parachains/Parathreads are connected to the Polkadot Relay Chain and share in the security of the Relay Chain. If the Relay Chain must revert then all of the parachains would also revert to ensure that the validity of the entire system can persist and no single part is corruptible.

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1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

Parachains :
Is a native blockchain (build with Substrate) and share the same security from the Polkadot relay chain.
It has customizable governance,block production and tokenomics.
Has also the ability to exchange messages and assets between other Parachains.
Parachains also called “parallel processing”.
Application specific datastructure and validatable by the validators of the relay chain
They require the lease of a parachain slot

Parathreads :
share slots among a group (share processing power).
Pay per block execution.
Have the exact same API as the Parachains.
Parachain can become parathreads and visa versa.
An idea for parachains to temporary participate in polkadot security
Enabling to participate in polkadot shared security
Has same benefits as Parachains

2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

RelayChain :
All blockchains are connected to this relaychain.
It provides a way to communicate with each other.
It allows to process transactions from all chains at the same time

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1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
Polkadot supports a specific amount of executions slots.

  • Parachains own a dedicated slot, so their process can run constantly. A blockchain can become a parachain by depositing a number of DOT tokens. The tokens offered are locked for the duration of the lease and are returned at the end of the term.
  • Parathreads are blockchains that temporarily connect to Polkadot using a pay-as-you-go model. Fees are charged per block.

Parachains and Parathreads have the same API. So projects can switch between parachains and parathreads depending on their needs and the availability of parachain slots on the relay chain.

2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
The Relay chain is the heart or Mother chain of the Polkadot network. All blockchains are connected through the Relay chain and the Relay chain can process transactions in parallel. That’s why the attached blockchains are called Parachains. The relay chain ensures security and allows messages to be exchanged between Parachains and Parathreads.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    Parachains and Parathreads have the exact same API. Parachains have a dedicated slot for the chain that is run constantly. Parathreads share slots in a group. Parachains and Parathreads have the exact same API.

  2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    Relay chains allow to process transactions from all chains in the network at the same time. Parachains and Parathreads both connect with the relay chain.

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  1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?

Parachains are the diverse individual layer-1 blockchains that run in parallel on Polkadot, connected to the Polkadot Relay Chain and secured by the Relay Chain’s validator set.

Parathreads are parachains that connect to Polkadot using a pay-as-you-go model rather than leasing a parachain slot. The parathread model is particularly suitable for projects that do not require continuous connectivity to the network. Blockchains on Polkadot can switch between being parachains and parathreads depending on their needs and on the availability of parachain slots on the Relay Chain.

  1. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?

The Relay Chain is the central chain of Polkadot. All validators of Polkadot are staked on the Relay Chain in DOT and validate for the Relay Chain. The Relay Chain is composed of a relatively small number of transaction types that include ways to interact with the governance mechanism, parachain auctions, and participating in NPoS. The Relay Chain has deliberately minimal functionality - for instance, smart contracts are not supported. The main responsibility is to coordinate the system as a whole, including parachains. Other specific work is delegated to the parachains, which have differing implementations and features.

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1. What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
Parachains are independant blockchains which can be built and tailored for different purposes, and inherit their security from Polkadot. Parathreads are exactly the same as Parachains, except they adopt a pay-as-you-go model, as opposed to the staking of DOT for compute.
2. What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
The relay chain is the central chain of polkadot, and is responsible for coordinating the auctions, parachains, parathreads, governance, etc.

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  • What are Parachains and what are Parathreads?
    -Parachains are other blockchains chains connected directly to the relay chain of polkadot
    -Parathreads are temporally connected to the relay chain .
  • What is a Relay chain and how do Parachains/Parathreads relate to the Relay chain?
    Its the core chain of polkadot, its made of slots available to connect with parachains or parathreads by leaving some Dot on it.
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