EOS Wallet, Keys & Accounts Discussion

Welcome to the discussion thread about EOS wallets, keys and accounts. Here you can discuss everything about the subject and potential problems that you might stumble upon.

Where is the best place to get information and education on EOS wallets, air drops etc? Just want to safely use without screwing up. So I’m looking for decent info source. – Greymass?

There isn’t much information at the moment unfortunately. The best collection of information is found here https://developers.eos.io/

Hi folks,

Im experiencing an issue with starting cleos wallet after I executed “cleos wallet stop”. Please see log in https://pastebin.com/Ug8K3Uj6 with the following:

  1. the first part (1.) shows the command I initially executed to start the nodeos with the running log, the service just kept running
  2. the second part(2.) shows the command I executed after the first time I started nodeos with its running logs.
  3. the third part (3.) shows the error I am now facing.

Please advise now I approach the issue.

Kind regards,


I would try the solution listed here: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/3879#issuecomment-397854656

trying to figure this out, keep getting an error

daniel@daniel-All-Series:~$ cleos create account eosio danny55 EOS76MRGGH6EX6w86BUL1sjjzZKJNCLSEbF4kzuaoanBy9wFb3bdu EOS76MRGGH6EX6w86BUL1sjjzZKJNCLSEbF4kzuaoanBy9wFb3bdu
1496110ms thread-0 main.cpp:1767 main ] Failed with error: Assert Exception (10)
response_content_length >= 0: Invalid content-length response

Can you try to add the flag http-validate-host=false when you start nodeos? Or you can also add it to the nodeos config file.

Got this error when creating account:

Error 3090003: provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations

Solved with this solution:

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Kobes-MacBook-Pro:eos nanaadjapong$ cleos wallet create -n sodium

ERROR: Either indicate a file using “–file” or pass “–to-console”

Anyone no whats going on here?

It looks like you guys are using a newer version of Eos compared to the one I use in the videos. In order to create the wallet in this case you need to add the flag - - to-console.

But you will probably stumble upon more issues in the future videos since you are probably using a different version.

so you are also saying you cant support the current version of eos???

I can. I just told you what you need to do in order to get it working.

What I can’t do is update hours of videos every time there is a new Eos update. We are doing our best. I’m working on recording new videos for the entire Eos section at the moment. Those will be released in October. But who knows, maybe there will be another new release of Eos just after that.

Hi, when I try to create an account using the cleos command, I get this message:

Failed to connect to nodeos at; is nodeos running?

I am using the Windows environment format. Has anyone else encounter this problem and know a solution?

I fixed my silly error by running the command:

nodeos -e -p eosio --genesis-json filipgen.json --delete-all-blocks --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin --contracts-console

however, when I try to create an account, now I get this error:

Error 3090003: Provided keys, permissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations Ensure that you have the related private keys inside your wallet and your wallet is unlocked.

I made sure to import the keys to the wallet, and made sure wallet is unlocked. However, the problem is still there.

I’m sorry to hear you are having trouble. Did you try the solution posted above? This one https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/4154

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whoa, that solved it! Not too sure why that address worked though, but it worked!

The new eos videos are live, check them out in the course!

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After typing: cleos wallet create --to-console
I received message: cleos: command not found

Any ideas why I cannot run cleos? I installed everything without any problems. I also tried “sudo cleos wallet create --to-console”

Did you do the docker installation? And if so, did the cleos command work within the docker shell?

Hi Mauriversmoon, what exactly did you try ? i have the public and private keys loaded for EOS (and created my own). but i still get the error so what did you do exactly as there are so many things discussed in the other link it is not clear to me what precisely is the solution. many thanks, Paul