Blockchain Decision Tree - Reading Assignment

  1. It would be faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

  2. It would be slower more expensive to integrate IT, would need more computation.

  3. Because the whole reason is to build a trust list system that is secure. You do not need a system if there isn’t at least two people involved. You wanted installed when you Need a robust system with a lot of security.

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1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
Normal databases are faster and less expensive to operate.

2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
Added expense to the business and time in developing and deploying it.

3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
Because if their is only 1 writer they still can add whatever they want to the blockchain.

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  1. a normal database is cheaper, faster and easier to set up
  2. it would not be as effective as a normal database. waste of money and time.
  3. when we have just 1 writer, blockchain is not needed.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?

Speed/performance, cost

  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

Increased cost, slower time to market

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

With only one writer, you don’t need decentralization nor consensus as their is only a ‘single source of the truth’

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    efficienty, easy to setup, cheaper.

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    costs are higher, slowness, difficult to change functionality and rules

  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Then ther is no concurrency, why should you do it?

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
  • It is easier and cheaper to develop and requires less storage and processing
  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
  • Wasted time and money on professionals, slow and inefficient outcomes
  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
  • There is no need to find consensus when there is only one writer
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    The benefits are numerous. If your database does not involve many parties and you have trusted source of data then normal database will save lots of money and resources. You dont have to waste your investment, and you can allocate your human resources to other urgent matters.

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Using a blockchain may costly in term of human and financial resources. And a waste in resources will lead to loss of opportunity. It can also cause you wrong direction in database management and to fix the problem, it will may cost you extra resources to do the right thing. It’s important to do the right thing in the first place when you build your backend system.

  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Blockchain can provide identification, who writes what data in case there are many writers. In case there is only one writer then, it is obvious enough to know who is responsible.

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    low cost, faster transactions, easier to set up, availability of time tested databases, query languages, tools for it and libraries of functions.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    More resources would be used which could include, money, time, hardware & manpower. In a blockchain the transaction times would be much higher due to the need of consensus within the nodes of the blockchain to approve it.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    To justify the trustless charecter of a blockchain and by definition a blockchain is consensus driven.
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  1. Benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain are it´s cheaper, faster, more resources available, easier to find a person, who has the needed skills.

  2. The consequences of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one would be that

    • it´s more expensive
    • implantation of a hard technology although not needed, so people had to be trained on it and you need probably a new programmer with the skills
    • the code has probably to be written from scratch
      Waste of time, money and resources!
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

    • The validity of the database would increase, because more writer have to check the data.
    • If more writer are honest than dishonest, than it´s impossible to manipulated the data.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?fast, easier, cheaper and more efficient
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one? higher cost, slower speed, inconvenience in changing function and rules
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain? If only 1 writer there is nothing to worry about the security of the DB as there will be no trust issue
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  • What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Faster and cheaper.

  • What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Inefficiency and expansive.

  • Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    1 writer will always have trust issues

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  1. Data can manipulated, centralized control, quicker computation, cheaper, Transactions perfectly sequential
  2. Unnecessary costs and loss of time.
  3. Transparency and trustlessness are required between 2 or more parties, a single entity have no need to trust or distrust itself.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Cost (build & transactions)
    transaction time
    ease of onboarding (MUCH deeper talent pool)

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

best case scenario its a waste of enterprise resources. (time, money manpower) with a lackluster user experience (slow, possibly error prone)
worst case it ruins the project completely.

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

A main selling point of the blockchain is the security provided by its decentralized nature. 1 writer has consensus with self. they effectively become the centralized authority. You trust it/them so there is no need for a blockchain.

NOTE the article link includes an @ that directs me to email the author. had to manually find the article. (woe is me lol)

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I have updated the link. Thanks for letting us know.

  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?

Fast, efficient, cheap

  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

Wasted money and time

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

If it’s only you writing information, there is no one untrustworthy with access to your database

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easier, cheaper, lots of information already around and easy to access.

waste of time, energy, money, inefficiency, and more problems for users and people who work on it

block chain technology is a network of several nodes (= in this example writers) which all add to the chain. The blockchain removes the necessity of trust amongst the participants. If there is only 1 writer, we don’t need this decentralized control. This person has track of her/his own records.

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1-What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
Lower investment, is a proven system, fast and simple consultation.

2-What do you think would be the consequences of using a blockchain when you don’t really need it?
Higher spending and funds from another project that is paramount to the company may be used.

3-Why should there be more than 1 writer in a database to justify a blockchain?
Because in the blockchain the data is recorded after a consensus where all the “writers” validate them.

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
  • It’s traceable as every block holds the most recent trxs and a reference to the previous block
  • It’s transparent and there is no single point of failure as there are multiple nodes with the same rights
  • it’s secure as transactions are cryptographically hashed.
  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
  • can be expensive as inefficient as developing a blockchain is slow (due to signature verification and consensus needed) as well as expensive . For a full public non-permissioned blockchain, there is also no privacy
  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
  • If there is only one writer, traditional databases are more effective and cheap. Having only one writer means that there is a “central” owner. Hence removing many of the benefits of a blockchain
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  1. Advantages of normal databases: more privacy and control over data; cheaper and easier to build, run, and manage; faster queries and transactions; long history of use and support.
  2. Higher cost to build and run; harder to manage; slower queries and transactions.
  3. There needs to be more than one writer to use the benefits for which blockchain has been created…decentralization, permissionless, trustless, consensus of nodes, traceability, accountability, etc.
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1 Normal data base is cheaper and faster.
2 Slower and expensive maintenance.
3 It should not rely on one person or entity it should be open for everyone.

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