Blockchain Decision Tree - Reading Assignment

  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?

High performance. Known and robust technology. More staff profficient with it available for hire.

  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

Increased time to market, high expenses, system performance lower than one the competitors might have.

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

Blockchain’s goal is to automate trust. A single writer can always trust himself, so there is nothing to automate.

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  1. Normal databases are faster and less expensive than blockchain databases.
  2. Wasting resources (time, money, etc).
  3. Blockchain is not necessary for 1 writer since trust is not an issue for this case.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Much more efficient and cost effective. Requires less computational power.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Wasting money that could be spent more wisely on other business needs.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    If there is not more than one writer there is no reason to have a trustless blockchain to prove the immutability of a ledger. If there is only one writer than all data can be trusted.
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  1. Normal database can be ran from one single node or sever making it cheaper to operate; broad knowledge about creating/maintaining databases exists in abundance in the jobmarket

  2. Slower infrastructure due to the need to settle the ledger or achieve consensus on all nodes due to it’s immutability. Fear of adoption because how new the technology is in traditional IT infrastructure. Possible higher cost of hardware implementation

  3. Blockchain can only be justified as a implementation when you have more writers to the “database” / “ledger” You want to have the data clearly immutable an easy to audit, transparent visibility to all the partys or users participating in such “database” “ledger”

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Faster to develop, change and record transactions, cheaper, more coders experienced in traditional databases so less likely to make mistakes or have a fatal flaw.

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Increased costs unnecessarily and potentially IT systems that are not compatible.

  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    For two reasons. 1) Because if two writers are to use the same information, it is vital that they are consistent as one could be using outdated information or could be over-writing what the other is currently writing 2) Because the more parties involved, the more paramount Trust becomes. If there is only one writer, that person is the only one that has the power to write. However, when more than one exists, accountability and traceability becomes a factor.

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1.What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain? A: QueryEnabled, FasterSearch and Update and Delete possible.

2.What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one? A: Lower performance and Higth complexity to cover missing functionaly, harder to deploy production produt.

3.Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain? A: 1 writer alone (“The LoneWriter”) does not need to have concensus, therefore when the solution needs to have more than 1 writer to a database it justifies to use a blockchain to take advantage of the distributed consensus algorithms.

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    faster-processing, cheaper to develop and cheaper processing and storing data = lower infra./HW cost, in time-perfect order, , more accessible developers for it.

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Depends on the blockchain and the use-case.

In short a costly and low-performing product.

Usually an overkill on the security, consensus, encryption, immutability traits and underplay on the needed performance/speed and scalability.

In a permissioned and relatively trusted network, you can achieve provenance, transparency and governance cheaper with SQL DBs.

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    They would have nobody to transact with. The transactional code or smartcontract will not execute and there is nothing to write to the BC. Blockchain is a network.
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What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?

  • Speed, easy to implement and manage.

What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

  • Waste of resources in general and, time and money in particular.

Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

  • Because more than 1 writer implies less trust, hence, justifying a blockchain.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?

It’s faster, cheaper, and transaction history can be private.

  1. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?

It’s a waste of times, resources, and energy. You can just use a standard database, which is also faster.

  1. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?

Because security isn’t an user if there is only one writer of a database.

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  1. faster transaction, less computational power, when there is no need for decentralization, privacy in transaction, no public records.
  2. will slow the performance/processes , unwanted information may become know to other, more than one keeper, no central control.
  3. to have a consensus , and to decentralize the data base, and keep the Leger save.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Faster, cheaper to implement, full access, not exposed to public, more accessible developers.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Costly to implement and maintain both time and money.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Because if there is only one writer, that means blockchain is not shared and the party implemented will be a trusted party therefore it is one of the main consideration if multiple different parties required to write the database.
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  • What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    The benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain are that normal databases are quicker and use less computational power. They are cheaper and competency is easier to find.

  • What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    It would be expensive and take more time than it should.

  • Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Transparency and security

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  1. A normal database is faster, uses less computational power, time sequence could be maintained, can have privacy.
  2. Both short-term and long-term costs would be significantly larger, privacy may be sacrificed. Overall, the client would be extremely unhappy.
  3. No.

There is a problem with the “@” in the hyperlink provided.

  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    Normal database are faster, cheaper, need less computational power

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    costs increases, processes become slower and all the system become inefficient

  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Because trust can become necessary with multi writers, so a blockchain comes into consideration

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(1) What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain? - there is no need for redundancy and energy put forth to validate using cryptography.
(2) What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one? - It will be a less efficient option.
(3) Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain? - If only one writer to a database, there is no need for all the other layers of complexity when a simple database will suffice.

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain? Normal database is faster to access and maintain, and enable perfectly recording in sequence.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one? It presents an unnecessary cost in terms of initial capital and operation.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain? Because essentially you don’t want to trust just 1 entity, and avoid a central point of failure.
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  1. **What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?**A normal database is more efficient, faster and cheaper to implement because less computational power is neede and it’s easier to find skilled programmers.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one? The consequences would be waste of money and resources, decrease of performaces, an un unneeded increase of complexity and difficulty to governance the IT solution.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain? Because if there is only one writer, it’s easier and cheaper a traditional solution to guarantee trasparency, validation and security of the database.
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  1. Normal db over a BC - benefits.
  • faster transactions, scalable, easier to encode with a variety of languages, centrally controlled
  1. The likely result is the solution will be more costly, less efficient, slower and harder to maintain.

  2. if only 1 writer then the issue of trusting others does not arise - hence one of the corner stones of blockchain benefits (implicit trust) is not needed.

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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    It is way quicker and smaller in size.
  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    Negative - if the speed is important, blockchain read/write/validate operations will most likely affect it. It will be more costly in IT/hardware unless you offset it by this being a public blockhain where people around the word have the copies.
    As a positive - you can say that your business is on a blockchain.
  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    Because if it is just one person he or she might as well save everything in a single file encrypted with a single password. Or access the read/write side of the database with a single password.
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  1. What are the benefits of using a normal database instead of a blockchain?
    It is faster (no encryption) / cheaper / better maintainable

  2. What do you think the consequences would be of using a blockchain when you in reality don’t need one?
    It is more costly / not flexible enough so it can cause problems (scaling)

  3. Why should there be more than 1 writer to a database in order to justify a blockchain?
    I there is only 1 writer you don’t need trust so you don’t need a blockchain

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