Basic EOS Programming - Discussion

Hello sir, you could try to reinstall the eostudio, or maybe just reset it, some users face the same issue and solved it by reinstalling the EOStudio.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

update…, I reinstalled both docker and eosstudio., downgraded eos to v 2.0.3 but still have issues creating a new account., error is - “transaction declares authority ‘${auth}’, but does not have signatures for it”

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have you imported or create the correct private keys, could you please share a screenshot?

Carlos Z.

I missed something in an earlier video. My plan was to go back and watch it again, but it moved me on to the next section before I had a chance. When I click deploy, I only have one option eosio. I wasn’t ready to move on, but it happened. How do I build a helloworld deployment site? Is it too late? If I need to start over, how do I do that?

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Hi This is the 3rd time I’ve gotten completely stuck, and ended up having to uninstall and reinstall everything until I found a version that was compatible with the directions in the videos (none of the versions in the video are even available)

I don’t know how I can finish this course just guessing & checking. Can you provide links to download the files we are actually using or update the videos?

I’m running EOSIO V2.0. & EOS studio vo 13.3

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Hey @dani88, hope you are great.

You can always go back to any lesson to re watch it again if is need it.

You can click on “Categories” or just clicking on a the video you want to.

Now in terms of creating a new project on EOS Studio, just click on the right top corner “Current Project”, then on the green button to create a new one

Hope you find this useful.
If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

Hey @HanaYezi, could you please tell me wich OS are you using? what is exactly the error message that you are getting? (screenshots of the error would be great)

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

thanks for your quick reply

I’m on a Mac

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Ok, in your “hellowolrd4.cpp” file, code line 1 you mistype the filename of your hpp file (header file), it should be named exactly has the file is and you have to close your include like this
#include "hellowolrd4.hpp" or #include <hellowolrd4.hpp>.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

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@thecil Still no clue what is going wrong

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Your contract name is helloworld4, while in the void function, you specify helloworld::hi(...

Carlos Z.


That also didn’t work

How can I delete all of these projects so I can just follow the directions in the video word for word?

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I’m not used to OS X, but i guess you will just need to download those folders except the eosio.contracts folder…

Carlos Z.

I do not see “local” under the network in the EOS studio. I am on the platform walk through section of the EOS programming course. Your help is much appreciated!

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Local means when you run the EOS Studio locally in your computer, in order to do this you need to install it on your system and follow the EOS Studio installer instructions (which are quite easy, just need to download and install docker, then it will install the compiler and contracts on one click).

EOS Studio Tutorial #1— Set up the environment for EOSIO development

EOS Studio Tutorial #2 — EOSIO Development on Local Node

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

Thank you, it was rather simple.

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Hi @filip I am getting an error in trying to play the contract, I built and deployed it but now the error is in the result it says
missing authority of Lee

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Hey @Leedecker425, hope you are well.

You have not logged into the proper account, so basically you dont have permission for ‘lee’ account to manage it.

If you have any more questions, please let us know so we can help you! :slight_smile:

Carlos Z.

so is it supposed to be under eosio?

it doesn’t work with the helloworld4 or the eosio should i just make a new one?

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