Basic EOS Programming - Discussion

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I keep getting the errors below. Someone please help.

8 errors generated.
Error while processing /tmp/projects/5db7ea85efa97e003e055dab/src/helloworld.cpp.
abigen error
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, action does not have a ricardian contract

Whatā€™s the error in the red popup?

Hi mawa I have a similar issue . will post mine in the discussion.
in the meantime . did you manage to sort it out ?


Hi Guys,

this is the error I have on the redbox.
Any help is welcome :wink:

/project/src/helloworld.cpp:3:20: error: out-of-line definition of ā€˜hiā€™ does not match any declaration in ā€˜helloworldā€™
ACTION helloworld::hi(name user){

1 error generated.

Error while processing /project/src/helloworld.cpp.
abigen error
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, empty ricardian clause file
Warning, action does not have a ricardian contract
Warning, action does not have a ricardian contract
Warning, action does not have a ricardian contract

I assume this happens when you compile? Can you share your code here, both the cpp and the hpp file, please :slight_smile:

Hi Filip,

this is sorted
I was using the latest EOS studio version and CDT 1.6.3 ( not 1.6.2 ) like in the course.
The file include/helloworld.hpp has changed between CDT 1.6.2 and 1.6.3.
I am using now exactly the same EOS studio as in the course

Hmm, so you had to rewrite the hpp file? Iā€™m trying to figure out how we can avoid other students facing this issue.


Watched your authority/authentication video, figured what the problem was

Great! What was the problem?

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The Sample generated file has changed since your tutorials.

It comes with the require_auth(user) by default, which was why the

given name had to be the account calling the function.

All the same, thanks for the quick response.

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The code that generates Eos Studio has changed. Itā€™s not the same as the code at the video.
To be compatible with the video example, copy paste the code below:

In the file helloworld.cpp

#include <helloworld.hpp>

ACTION helloworld::hi(name user) {
print("Hello, ", name{user});

In the file helloworld.hpp
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace eosio;

CONTRACT helloworld : public contract {
using contract::contract;

 ACTION hi(name user);

TABLE messages {
         name    user;
         string  text;
         auto primary_key() const { return user.value; }
typedef multi_index<name("messages"), messages> messages_table;


Hope I helped.

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For the course: Hello World - Step by Step Walkthrough
The strange command:

helloworld(name receiver, name code, datastream<const char>ds):contract(receiver,code, ds)

now is not required.

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Is that the case even if you select the same eos cdt version as I had?

Iā€™m using cdt version 1.6.2 WEB studio.

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@filip Each time I build and run in EOS Studio, on the next screen after clicking play the console: is blank each time. :nerd_face:

@filip my helloworld.cpp looks like:

#include <hello.hpp>
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>

ACTION hello::hi(name from, string message) {

  // Init the _message table
  messages_table _messages(get_self(), get_self().value);

  // Find the record from _messages table
  auto msg_itr = _messages.find(from.value);
  if (msg_itr == _messages.end()) {
    // Create a message record if it does not exist
    _messages.emplace(from, [&](auto& msg) {
      msg.user = from;
      msg.text = message;
  } else {
    // Modify a message record if it exists
    _messages.modify(msg_itr, from, [&](auto& msg) {
      msg.text = message;

ACTION hello::clear() {

  messages_table _messages(get_self(), get_self().value);

  // Delete all records in _messages table
  auto msg_itr = _messages.begin();
  while (msg_itr != _messages.end()) {
    msg_itr = _messages.erase(msg_itr);

EOSIO_DISPATCH(hello, (hi)(clear))

Is this causing the blank page you mention in your earlier post?

No, after I created transaction and am on the ā€œTransaction Detailsā€, the console: is empty. It should be console: Hello Sonja


I got it working now :slight_smile: