Activity Lesson 5

When hyper-inflation hits, bitcoin holders will be immune.


There is no way that all the smartest people in the world - all of us nerds - can be wrong?
Will the rest of the world please wake up and see the brilliance!!

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In much the same way as the invention of the car revolutionised the world and made travel between two points easier, so to will Bitcoin revolutionise the world and make payment between two points easier.


In the future world, there will be such things where the banks will be closed as blockchain and bitcoin is available 24/7 and there is no downtime. Bitcoin will revolutionize the world and make payments fast and easy.

image I truly believe this young girl is much more clever than the majority of the worlds population. She understands the enormous potential of hard money like for example bitcoin, gold and silver.
It is of course a better strategy to see your money grow over time, than give your purchasing power to greedy bank officials, politicians and other all ready financial strong entities and/or individuals.
The fact for example that Bitcoin is more handy and has no borders makes it even more interesting. The era of often ugly dead people on a banknote I think very soon will belong to the history. Long live the blockchain and “be your own bank”!

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Woah watch out says that banker. Bitcoin don’t care about, bitcoin just spends where it wants.


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We all know financial system is broken. Why not start looking into Bitcoin

This meme highlights the neutrality of Bitcoin!


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People are using the fiat and hording the bitcoin (gold) just like was done time and time again.

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This is the whole point of bitcoin!!

That’s why the bankers are upset… lol!!

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This is about the disinflationary aspect of bitcoin, it will continue to increase in value over time. Bitcoin is hard money therefore it is the kind of money that you want to hold on to.

crypto wisdom - Imgflip


Asset Class that has come to pass >>>>

The total amount of Bitcoin that will ever exist will be 21 millions


The governments can’t stop bitcoin

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Central financial institutions cannot touch it

Truth is any thing can be true until proven wrong… put all options at debate is healthy.
