Activity Lesson 5

The basic aspect of trust less comers.
Got hit not once from the need of trusting in a business environment - totally speaks to me.


How things have changed.


And don’t think for a moment that these guys won’t be buying Bitcoin!


LOL, really a good one! haha :rofl:

Carlos Z.

It’s so refreshing to learn from the academy that there is some sense to all this going up and down of cryptocurrencies. Crypto currencies don’t gain in popularity because there are just a fad.

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I died when I saw this but the truth is, its just getting started.


I think this is a fun example of how people try to tell you Bitcoin is a fraud when they secretly been purchasing it. They know the value but don’t want everyone to know or be a part of it.

image I think this meme is very powerful in the sense that governments are waking up to the fact that they know that time is up with our current monetary system. They have to pay attention now. Because it’s either adapt or get left behind. Too many have found that this new system is far superior to what we have now. It’s the future. It’s sad that there will be resistance to this new system not because it doesn’t fulfill all the requirements but because governments will have to relinquish some if not all control.

Fiat ledger books can be “cooked” and manipulated.
Bitcoin transactions are engrained into the blockchain and can not be manipulated.

BTC - no need to have it physically… well… need a smartphone which we all have. That’s all.

giphy (1)

Bitcoin is obtaining mass adoption as a form of money. Fulfilling the function of a medium of exchange for economic energy no matter who you are, as illustrated in the GIF above.

Hilarious :rofl: :joy:

I know some could see this and think that I am saying bitcoin is fraud but that is not why I put this here. I put this here because its showing people in the stock market realizing that fiat is crashing and bitcoin is the way to go. It is showing that eventually, the world will see bitcoin for what it is. It is showing that bitcoin is hope to an empires destruction. Bitcoin is the answer.



Nobody can deny that DeFi has been on a rampage lately. Maybe its becoming a bubble, but we are talking about challenging the largest and most complacent financial institutions in the world, There is a lot of room to grow and flourish if the players in the DeFi space keep designing disruptive, practical fintech like they have up to this point. The network effect will soon take over.

I wish btc and eth fees were negligible :joy:

Unstoppable transparent digital asset . Long term investment to hold or hodl.

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According to the book “The Last Days Of The Late Great United States” - By Richard Pawley, Abraham Lincoln was one of two Presidents, the other being John F Kennedy, that tried to work around the banking system of his time, Lincoln was in office from 1861-1865. I believe President Lincoln would have approved of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin’s cap is at 21 million

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