Activity Lesson 5



The monetary policy, powerful people and institutions calling bitcoin a fraud, just to get enough time to buy it before it is to late.


This is me right now, lol! It definitely communicates the aspect of having a store of value. Perhaps it really is a digital gold.


I think this meme describes quite well the benefits of bitcoin of being independent. Since bitcoin relies on a global network and it is not managed by any central authority, bitcoin is truly neutral and nearly unstoppable.

Instead of posting a meme I want to tell a fary tail which will illustrate the concept of proof-of-work.

Once there was a young lad who was very lazy and did not want to do any work at all. The boy’s mother was taking good care of the boy so he did not have the necessity to move a muscle. The boy had never earned a single penny himself in his life One day the boy’s father, who was getting fed up with this lazieness, told him to go out to work and show that he can earn 5 rubles. The boy sayed ok and came back the next day with 5 rubles in his hand giving it to father. Father looked at the money and tossed it to fire saying: I don’t belive you earned it, rather your mother gave it to you! The boy did nothing as he watched the money burn. Father set the same test to the son again and next day the same thing hapepned: boy came with money and father tossed it to fire not beliving that the son had worked for it. Father finally gave the boy a 3rd chance to proove himself. So it happened again that the boy would return and this time emphasising to the father that really he had earned the money! Father took the 5 rubles and again tossed it to the fire. But this time the son didn’t not just stand and watch, but he rappidly jumped towards the fire to grab the money that father was throwing into the flames. As the father saw this, he told to the son: Now I belive that you have earned your first money, since when you work for something you will value it much more.

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Wealth could be maintained without outside interference.

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Bitcoin will do to banks what
Email did to postal industry.
Buy Bitcoin be your own bank.


If Fiat taxes aren’t enough, the government will try tax you. They fear losing the power.
Bitcoin is not own by any central authority

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Much like UFO’s and Aliens, most people will not believe in their existence until they experience it for themselves! Beam me up Bitcoin!


Bitcoin is very portable :slight_smile:



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did you understand that a ‘meme’ is like a ‘caricature’ in this context ?

and not litteraly

Your interpretation was 180 of what I would think about the ‘printing money press meme’ , but I do like your fabulation comparing the ‘printing press’ revolution to the current ‘crypto money revolution’ …

Thanks for your diferent point of view!

The exceptional quality of the post I’ve read encourage me to shine my Bitcoins with this stuff called

I’m going on an adventure !
I wonder if he knew what was in store?

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Can’t print Bitcoin. No fractional reserve banking Bitcoin.


Bitcoin introduces true monetary neutrality and justice. “Lady Bitcoin” slays depreciating and unjust fiat currencies with her sword. Unlike the current corrupt financial system that wants to decide for you if you can spend your money and with whom you can transact, Bitcoin is impartial and blindfolded – it doesn’t care who you are or where you’re from, who you are transacting with or why, or the amount of the transaction.
You can see that Bitcoin is outweighing fiat, and will win out in the end!
Be Your Own Bank!


In Bitcoin’s monetary system, you can obtain bitcoin in two ways, purchase it or mine it. Each way involves providing something of value to the system. Miners validate transactions, working to secure the system.

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Only 21 million bitcoin possible, difficult to create as based on proof of work and electricity usage. Not just wads of paper which ends up being pushed about in a wheelbarrow for a loaf of bread. This meme shows government trying to print its way into a boom. Monetary policy has lost all meaning in the fiat world, it’s a fiasco. Bitcoin still connected to work, fiat money now detached from work and thus irrelevant to the real economy.



This clearly shows the difference between hard and soft money. There’s an increasing need among people to find real money this days, so they can rest assured that the safety of its spent hours of work it’s in the right place. Most of us have found peace of mind thanks to BTC.

Bitcoin is digital scarcity.