Women in the Academy and cryptospace

Hello dear Community,

I wanted to dedicate this topic to the leading woman in cryptospace and woman also being active in the Ivan on Tech academy.

I was very curious to know where you come from, how your interest in the cryptospace grew, and what leading woman in cryptospace inspire you.

In my opinion, gender distribution is very present in the cryptospace, and I’m always very proud to see that woman do find their place in the wild west of crypto…




The only discrimination here is Centralized Cartels. Good luck and Welcome to the Community

Pete the Greek


Hi Eléa!

I’m relatively new to the Cryptosphere and a brand newbie to the Academy!

I got in to crypto watching my other half on Coinbase half the day - so I wanted to see what the fuss was about.

The more I learned about Bitcoin and the revolution behind blockchain technology, I just needed to get involved!

We then started watching Good Morning Crypto together and have since both signed up to the academy and started a beginners crypto website!

I’m currently keeping my eye open for other women in this industry - I like Crypto Casey on YouTube, and since joining Twitter I’ve seen a couple of women sharing BTC stats with sex appeal… not my thing.

I’d like to create/be in a network of women interested in blockchain and defi…

Thank you for your post, it was very welcoming :slight_smile:

Peace and good vibes
Ella G :slight_smile:

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Hi Eléa,

I got into the space long before my husband, who now admits he wished he’d listened to me sooner! I’m not alone; I’ve met so many women whose partner dismissed her as crazy and financially ignorant only to eat crow later (Yes, I’m loving every minute of it!). My husband is now a member of the Academy and listening to “Good Morning Crypto Each and Every Day like an Atomic Clock”.

It’s perhaps unique to my generation (I’m in my 50s) but most women I know won’t press the issue with their spouse. I’ve suggested that in lieu of investing they should start earning Bitcoin instead through Bitcoin rewards when they make their online purchases. One such site is https://lolli.com/ref/igAsDnqZHk. They can refer friends and earn $5 in Bitcoin rewards. Full Disclosure: The link I shared is a “refer-a-friend” link.

Keep in posted on your activity in the space!

Best, Theresa