Hey Guys,
Seen some news around a new form of blockchain I don’t know if you guys are aware of? Its name is called LIBONOMY and comes with a new AI consensus algorithm engine. I want to ask if any of you guys can help me understand there GitHub repositories. I wanted to know if this is real? Reading into the Yellow Paper Document I see some real use cases over existing technologies we use right now. with a fully autonomous system linked to a public and private blockchain, is a leap ahead. Come July 2020 they state they will connect between 2 exchanges giving proof to the community. What also I find interesting is they have added a unique layer to Smart Contracts, debugging on the blockchain against the code. This will stop the poorly made contracts in the costs of the sum of millions of dollars. A system that will not need to Fork could be the next best thing to bitcoin. But it could be better as it seems to have taken into account the last 10 years. fixing the current problems we face today.
So the link to check the Testnet is > https://github.com/libonomy
Let me know please I’m super interested