Why do you guys think IOTA gets so much hate?

IOTA seems to get a lot of hate, I don’t know if it’s just misinformation or misunderstanding, or intentionally spread FUD, but I feel like it should be valued a lot more by the community. What do you guys think?

There was this Security Flaw Discovered by MIT researchers in the IOTA code.

To which IOTA developers basically said “we meant to do that”

I saw one of the IOTA founders give a presentation and he reminded me of Cory Feldman, which is probably also infuriating for some people.

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The project has a lot of potential that has not been realized yet, but I agree that it should be valued more. However the MIT incident and the way the team responded to it was embarrassing to watch, they claimed they purposefully put a flaw in their code, which was supposed to be open-source. I think the developers reactions to criticism is the main thing with IOTAs public perception.

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Maybe They’re getting to the tipping point, they’re probably really defensive because of all the hate and scrutiny they got before that, but that comes with the territory I suppose.
This interview kind of reinforces my faith in them though.

saw a nice review from ivan on this incident. it seemed like they didn’t really got hacked, the MIT go that wrong but it was too late, the news already kind of made IOTA look bad. I am not a tech but ivan explains it really good and it seems as if the MIT thought it was a hack, where it actually wasn’t. But that a while ago anyways, feels like years ago :slight_smile:

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@BlockchainJeff, technically I am a nobody and I hope that I am wrong. I am not sure if IOTA technically is going to work in the end. Wallet issues, the disappearance level of censorship, the strong negative reaction of the team to critism almost has an emperor with no clothes feeling to me. Time will tell and again I hope I am wrong.