What is the assignment for

Is there a particular assignment for the html lists, links and images? Or, do we turn in what we find interesting. I have not seen any other assignments after the looping assignment.

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I guess you mean this one :nerd_face:


Carlos Z

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Fruit Lists
    Enter fruit: Add fruit

    I thought the result would be a list of all fruit including the “add a fruit.”
    And, once I added a fruit, ‘peach’ it would go backwards and add the fruit to the right side of the page.
    Is this how it is supposed to turn out. Somehow, I suspect that all three fruit would present on the right sided page with a place to add a new fruit, ‘peach.’
    I will keep practicing.
    Thank you so much!

    I have tried over and over to get all four fruits to line up in a list on the right side. Instead I get a blank box and a message to add the extra fruit inside the box without re-listing the previously assigned fruits. I have decided that that is the answer. That is the correct answer. In reviewing the notes on settings, (the target attribute that tells the browser “where” to open the linked document), and the 4 defined targets, i.e. . blank, .parent, .self, .top; what about blank? Perhaps that would be the answer to aligning the complete list of 4 fruit.
    As a new language to learn, JS, html is like speaking a language in broken grammar; understandable but not in correct sequences. Or, is it something else I am missing? Lol!

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    Carlos Z

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