1. What is talent density?
Have more highly talented people rather then many average talented people.
2. Why is talent density important?
Number of people is meaningless if the team is not effective and if talent density is low.
3. What are the benefits of talent density?
Highly talented people want to do great work, continuously learn new things and make an impact.
4. Why is average not accepted?
You do not have to check everyone elses work and try to catch them up to your level.
5. Fill in the blanks - “Adequate ______ gets a generous ________ ________.”
6. Why is both good and bad performance infectious?
Average performance makes everyone average. Excellent performance is pushing everyone to achieve more.
7. How do we protect our talent density?
When we work with each other day by day - we need the courage to set the expectations straight and demand nothing less than great performance from each other.
8. What is your personal view on talent density?
I think this is a good idea in perfect world. You still want to help those that are not on lyour level. Reality is that people remember who (company or organization) took the time to teach them and who just started out wanting to treat them like dirt. When the people do become good enough to they are to vindictive to work for you.