Well, Richard H. is a good seller and he does make some good points… from what ive heard and read, what i understand about this project is the following… since it’s a reality that people only use these coins and tokens for trading them in an exchange, they currently have little use case other than speculation. So if people are already giving dumb coins such a high value in exchange for nothing, then Richard’s token should have the same use case but with a few twists to make it more valuable.
I buy the argument that cryptos have little use case besides speculation currently… i also buy the argument that once a person is responsible for what the contents of a block will be, then it doesnt make sence any more to use one in the first place and what i believe will happen with this token is that, anybody that claims these tokens will be risking very, very little… almost nothing if their timing is precise and since other people gotta lose money in order for others to win, Richard will use his marketing and relationships to get this token into an exchange ASAP so that people who are unaware of what this token represents and means will buy it (there are people like this)… also this token will have a really low available supply which will drive the price up… the only problem here for the person who wants to sell his BHX will be the liquidity.
Let’s be honest, he isn’t doing anything that most of the top projects in CMC havent already done, the biggest merit is that he is being honest about it, not promesing anything from another world and the price of all of these tokens and coins have relied mostly on the ability of their creators to market them.
It will of course reward only bitcoin holders which in my opinion is really cool, so, this token will be raising the demand for bitcoin like every other bitcoin fork that ever existed.
this is my opinion and if someone things differently or has something else to add, i would love to read your argument.