Cryptocurrencies provide a different and easier alternative to move Internet values without the need for middlemen. The promise to lower the cost of censorship, settlement, privacy, copyright, etc through blockchain over the internet is high. Blockchain also has great potentials of helping the economic financial sector.
Gary Gensler pointed out in his article in coindesk that scalability, efficiency, privacy, security, interoperability, and governance are problems blockchain needs to address first to be able to go further. He also mentioned that coin offerings must particularly address how to sustainably lower verification and networking costs, how, compared to fiat currencies, crypto assets benefits users at a larger scope.
There are many predictions on cryptocurrencies for 2019 especially when cryptocurrencies felt a great downfall this 2018. But Gensler mentioned that in 2019 and in the future, investors and people who are crypto inclined will most likely be more shrewd in their investments and projects.