Web3min.js Errors

I used this code as reference https://github.com/Ivan-on-Tech-Academy/academy-cryptokitties.
However, when I try to make a transaction I get these errors :

Also for the variable contract is it okay to use any of my accounts?

Hey @Sean_Kim, hope you are well.

Could you share the index.js code in the following way? it will be easier for us to review the problem :nerd_face:


Carlos Z

var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider);
var instance;
var user;
var dnaStr = "457896541299";

var contract = "0x3644B986B3F5Ba3cb8D5627A22465942f8E06d09";
var contractOwner;

$(document).ready(function () {
  window.ethereum.enable().then(function (accounts) {
    instance = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contract, { from: accounts[0] });
    instance.methods.owner().call().then(test => {
      contractOwner = test;
    user = accounts[0];
    *   Listen for the `Birth` event, and update the UI
    *   This event is generate in the KittyBase contract
    *   when the _createKitty internal method is called

      .on('data', (event) => {
        let owner = event.returnValues.owner;
        let kittyId = event.returnValues.kittyId;
        let mumId = event.returnValues.mumId;
        let dadId = event.returnValues.dadId;
        let genes = event.returnValues.genes        
        alert_msg("owner:" + owner
          + " kittyId:" + kittyId
          + " mumId:" + mumId
          + " dadId:" + dadId
          + " genes:" + genes,'success')
      .on('error', console.error);

      .on('data', (event) => {
        var eventType = event.returnValues["TxType"].toString()
        var tokenId = event.returnValues["tokenId"]
        if (eventType == "Buy") {
          alert_msg('Succesfully Kitty purchase! Now you own this Kitty with TokenId: ' + tokenId, 'success')
        if (eventType == "Create offer") {
          alert_msg('Successfully Offer set for Kitty id: ' + tokenId, 'success')
          $('#cancelBtn').attr('onclick', 'deleteOffer(' + tokenId + ')')
          $('#sellBtn').attr('onclick', '')
          $('#sellBtn').html('<b>For sale at:</b>')
          var price = $('#catPrice').val()
          $('#catPrice').prop('readonly', true)

        if (eventType == "Remove offer") {
          alert_msg('Successfully Offer remove for Kitty id: ' + tokenId, 'success')
          $('#cancelBtn').attr('onclick', '')          
          $('#catPrice').prop('readonly', false)
          $('#sellBtn').html('<b>Sell me</b>')
          $('#sellBtn').attr('onclick', 'sellCat(' + tokenId + ')')          
      .on('error', console.error);


function createKitty() {
  var dnaStr = getDna();
  let res;
  try {
    res = instance.methods.createKittyGen0(dnaStr).send();
  } catch (err) {

async function checkOffer(id) {

  let res;
  try {

    res = await instance.methods.getOffer(id).call();
    var price = res['price'];
    var seller = res['seller'];
    var onsale = false
    //If price more than 0 means that cat is for sale
    if (price > 0) {
      onsale = true
    //Also might check that belong to someone
    price = Web3.utils.fromWei(price, 'ether');
    var offer = { seller: seller, price: price, onsale: onsale }
    return offer

  } catch (err) {


// Get all the kitties from address
async function kittyByOwner(address) {

  let res;
  try {
    res = await instance.methods.tokensOfOwner(address).call();
  } catch (err) {

//Gen 0 cats for sale
async function contractCatalog() {
  var arrayId = await instance.methods.getAllTokenOnSale().call();
  for (i = 0; i < arrayId.length; i++) {
    if(arrayId[i] != "0"){

//Get kittues of a current address
async function myKitties() {
  var arrayId = await instance.methods.tokensOfOwner(user).call();
  for (i = 0; i < arrayId.length; i++) {

//Get kittues for breeding that are not selected
async function breedKitties(gender) {
  var arrayId = await instance.methods.tokensOfOwner(user).call();
  for (i = 0; i < arrayId.length; i++) {
    appendBreed(arrayId[i], gender)

// Checks that the user address is same as the cat owner address
//This is use for checking if user can sell this cat
async function catOwnership(id) {

  var address = await instance.methods.ownerOf(id).call()

  if (address.toLowerCase() == user.toLowerCase()) {      
    return true
  return false


//Appending cats to breed selection
async function appendBreed(id, gender) {
  var kitty = await instance.methods.getKitty(id).call()
  breedAppend(kitty[0], id, kitty['generation'], gender)

//Appending cats to breed selection
async function breed(dadId, mumId) {
  try {
    await instance.methods.Breeding(dadId, mumId).send()
  } catch (err) {

//Appending cats for catalog
async function appendKitty(id) {
  var kitty = await instance.methods.getKitty(id).call()
  appendCat(kitty[0], id, kitty['generation'])

async function singleKitty() {
  var id = get_variables().catId
  var kitty = await instance.methods.getKitty(id).call()
  singleCat(kitty[0], id, kitty['generation'])

async function deleteOffer(id) {
  try {
    await instance.methods.removeOffer(id).send();    
  } catch (err) {


async function sellCat(id) {  
  var price = $('#catPrice').val()
  var amount = web3.utils.toWei(price, "ether")
  try {
    await instance.methods.setOffer(amount,id).send();
  } catch (err) {

async function buyKitten(id, price) {
  var amount = web3.utils.toWei(price, "ether")
  try {
    await instance.methods.buyKitty(id).send({ value: amount });
  } catch (err) {

async function totalCats() {
  var cats = await instance.methods.totalSupply().call();

Sorry about that, I have now posted the index.js.

“Trying to call a function on a non-contract address”, have you deployed the contract before running the dapp? (i assume you have a local blockchain up and running).

Carlos Z

I have deployed the contract before running the Dapp by using truffle cli. Both 1_initial_migration.js, and 2_KittyCore_migration.js are deployed. After this I migrated and ran hosted it. I also noticed that this error pops up when trying to make the transaction.

That comes from Metamask? Maybe just need to reset the nonce, go into metamask settings, advance settings, then search a button to “Reset Account”, will just clear the cache of the wallet, that way the internal nonce for that blockchain will refresh to match the ganache blockchain. (keep in mind that you might have to do this, every time you create a new local blockchain)

Carlos Z

There is still an error that say “Error: Returned values aren’t valid, did it run Out of Gas?”, but the transaction seems to go through. However, when I make a transaction the Kitty does not appear in catalogue. Do you think you can help me with this problem?

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Off course, can you please share the contract and migration file in the following way?


That way I can try replicate your issue :nerd_face:
Carlos Z

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Hi, thanks so much! For the contract and migration files I just used the code provided by this source: https://github.com/Ivan-on-Tech-Academy/academy-cryptokitties. What I found was strange was that I could not even get the original code provided by the Github to work.