Web3 fundamentals plan

Hi everyone! I just joined the Moralis community starting with Web3 fundamentals plan, just completely new in this world, I am secondary school teacher and I am very excited to learn about :smiley:


Hi WaterCooler, A Tremendously warm welcome!
I am sure you are going to learn and apply loads… Enjoy the course!
I myself became pro-member around the New Year. Still learning by doing, made some rookie mistakes, but we keep on studying! Congratulations!
Let`s make this up and coming Bull-Run fantastic for all Moralis-money member/students :100: :heart_eyes:

*Any tips please welcome to message me :+1:

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Very nice to meet you Sander! I encourage you to continue step by step, without mistakes, there´s is not learning process!!! :wink: :wink:
Thank you so much to offer your help.

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Hi Sander! how are you doing? I am a bit lost with so many courses of the web 3 fundamentals plan, would you recommend me any of them that is for a very begginer? :blush: :wink:

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Hi Irene, hopefully somebody else can step in here to answer that question
I am still on the Bullrun Ready & Blockchain 101 Course :wink:

Hope it all works out & Have a relaxing weekend! :100: :+1:

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Thank you very much Sander, I hope you are doing well :wink: I think I found the right one, but still not sure :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :thinking:
2021 JavaScript Programming for Blockchain

I wish you to have a nice weekend too! :muscle: :muscle: :star_struck:

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