Waves Ecosystem

Hey guys!

What do you think about the new Waves Client? Specifically how do you feel about their fees for when buying straight from fiat, the advantages/disadvantages of their DEX and how much potential do you see on their project overall? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers in advance for all of yous who respond!!

New Client? When was it updated? I tried it out about 6 weeks ago. It was pretty clunky and seemed like it was still in alpha. You needed waves currency to pay any transaction fee, but you can’t even buy waves because you don’t have the waves to pay the transaction fee. I also vaguely remember the application had some trouble trading fractions of coins. It was also cluttered with what appeared to be hundreds of junk tokens.

Bottom line for me was that I wouldn’t trust the platform.

Why wouldn’t you tho’?

It worked just fine for me. I even created my own Token, in less than a min.

I’d keep my eye on Waves.

This month they will be releasing Waves NG, which will come close to being the fastest transacting blockchain in existence.
Then later this year a new UI for their decentralized exchange.