Waltonchain? Github?

I love IOTA and was looking for similar projects.
I found http://www.waltonchain.org/ but I’m looking for there Github or Bitbucket etc …???

Can’t find any usefull info on them … mostly hype talk?
Maybe some one has some good sources?

My girlfriend is Chinees so I can also read into that info.
What I have found out so far is that the ICO was located in Japan so they are not affected with the ICO ban in China.

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Without any shadow of a doubt, Walton Chain (WTC) is a scam.

The domain registration details, including a false address, are linked to several other scams https://www.whois.com/whois/waltonchain.org

e.g. hookwhois.org

A fake “your who is details have expired, click here to renew”.


Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Same details including the wonderful “No.999 Liang Mu Road Yuhang District” address.

And… TankIn.net / sliver.me / jpsheath.org / … all linked to scams.

Other red flags:

Poorly designed website, no slack or github, only shills on reddit & bitcointalk, difficult to find any verified information on the team (including someone supposedly a former VP of Samsung), only on one exchange with signs of market manipulation and pretending to win an award that doesn’t exist:

They are pretending to win a competition that does not appear exist. The “Jinjiang Competition” - there is no reliable source for this whatsoever. This is an unverified/fake news http://www.kinews.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=110897
Seriously, they have just won a major competition - logos stuck on t-shirts, with a dodgy banner outside a sports centre. I’ve been to plenty of award ceremonies and competition results, this is a joke.


@jrbarrow thank you for this information.
I also came to the same conclusion … in october they will lanche there mainnet … then I will inspect their code and see how they are moving forward I will post my findings here.

I think WTC is a scam until I can see they code or a working demo.

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