Voting dApp - my first project

Hi everyone,
here is the demonstration video on my first dApp project, a Voting dApp, where I show all functionalities and share some thoughts on the usecase of voting applications for the blockchain:
Voting dApp Demonstration

Many thanks to the community for support, especially @Dan-i and @Malik and of course @filip the dApp Wizard and @ivan for being so motivational :partying_face:


Congratulations @Bhujanga for your first dapp :smiley:
Really happy to see your progress man!
Keep going and never stop learning.

Well done!

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This looks amazingly well! You have made the video very professional! :muscle:

Congratulations! Hope we see more of your incredible projects!
Keep learning!

Carlos Z

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Congrats @Bhujanga! well done :slight_smile:

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Keep up the great work buddy ! :smiley: :clap:

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