The road to worldwide financial freedom

Hello everyone,

My name is Daniel Adam, I’m 34 years old and am living in the Netherlands (for now…).
I’ve been working professionally in IT since 2006 and have been building computers since I was 12 years old.
My hobbies are mainly science and history and especially the history of the different civilizations we have had on the planet. I like gaming too, but watching a good documentary gives me more satisfaction.
I’ve been in blockchain since 2017 and of course, bought my first crypto right at the top :wink:
But here still I am, loving the space more than ever!

Now on-topic, since I’ve used my first unstoppable domain, I really get the feeling this space is ready enough to build that new internet we have been promising to the world. Secure, payment-enabled, censorship-resistant, yadayadayada…
I’ve been following Ivan and some other YouTubers for a long time now, and also watched the full series of the hidden secrets of money years ago. In the last few years, I’ve been witnessing some of the warnings from the series come true at a faster and faster rate. That’s why I think we now really have a chance to outpace the banks and the old systems, especially now a lot of people are sitting home, waiting for helicopter cash.

I’ve created a document with my plan of attack, and would like to know how this community thinks about this:

I’ve created ivangelists.crypto to summarize the vision of the community, of course, everything is just a first setup and open for discussion.

Hopefully, enough people like this idea, and we can make a big difference in this world together.


I’m going to assume people in general think it is a good idea… If not, please comment on this topic.

So now the general plan is known, let’s talk about practicallities:

We need to chose our dev tools and setup the common dev environment (@ivan, I don’t know how open you are about sharing yours, but for now I’ll assume we will need to setup a new open one for the community)

  1. Repository - GitHub
    No explanation needed I guess…

  2. Collaboration/Documentation tool - Atlassian Confluence
    Used by most big companies, at least, here in The Netherlands. Has lot’s of possibilities to aid in making good designs and allows for open discussion per topic easily. Plus, and this is true for all Atlassian tools, the licences are free is we build open source software.

  3. Build/Deployment tool - Atlassian Bamboo
    Just a little bit advanced than Jenkins, allows for seamless integration of test automation and the creation of build artifacts. Also one of the most used (payed) solution at the companies I’ve worked. Of course Jenkins is most used, but I think Bamboo will offer more options for in the future.

  4. DTAP environments - AWS / Google cloud / Decentralized??
    On this topic, I really want to hear what the community thinks about this. I myself have a lot of experience in creating DTAP environments, either physical/VMWare or via Google cloud. But I don’t have to much experience in fully dockerized deployments… I think that should be the way to go, BUT, we need someone with a lot of experience in setting this up via docker-compose or Kubernetes or any other major container orchestration tool.

After we have set up an open dev environment, we can start to set up projects to build components for Unstoppable domains, full new templates and discuss which exact building blocks we need to achieve our goal.

I would love to hear your reactions on this plan.


Step 1 has started - Building Euro/Crypto payment portal and seamless BeYourOwnBank DApp.

Development started on building mijnbank.crypto - POC:

  • Support for IDeal to crypto tansaction to own .crypto domain
  • Support for Crypto transaction to .crypto domain in BTC, ETH, ADA, XRP from Atomic wallet
  • Personal .crypto domain + setup process for new customers without crypto knowledge

More details coming soon…
Please let me know your thoughts/needs

P.S. I would ask all of you to collect information about the most used way to transfer fiat in your country on the internet. And if you would like to, buy the domain name mybank.crypto, replace mybank with the translation in your language. If nobody does this, I will at some point :smiley:

Nice man :smiley:
I have send you a DM I’m also Dutch now living in Asia.

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Thanks Amadeo! I’ll Look into that!

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the new satoshi, whale of superchat, yeah


This is a great thing to manifest, truly inspirational. My development skills are still novice however I would love to help in anyway I can. Keep up the righteous work! I will be thinking about how we can find the solutions to the challenges. This is where it all starts, opportunity for one and all Humanity to Unite in prosperity!!! Big Up Breddrin!!


@GoldenCryptoSupreme Thanks, I would love to hear your recommendations. I’m also still developing my BUIDL skills and researching for the best projects to use. I really have the feeling that almost all the components we need are out there, and it’s just a matter of connecting the right ones with each other and build your own UI.

@iman_yudha I try to help as much as I can, especially when my longs are in profit :sweat_smile:

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@amadeobrands I think I’ve sent DM back. I’m normally not such a forum guy, still figuring out the functions…

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UPDATE: I’ve created the Ivangelist docs site. Here I will create the more in-depth documentation about my plans.
Feel free to look around, comment or suggest solutions on all pages.

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Great to hear this kind of sounds @SolidCrypto.
I am from the Netherlands too and I am in the beginning of learning this stuff to use for a financial development. At the moment I can help within a great network in the Netherlands, Marketing, media and sales. I will check all your steps as this is my first day.

Hi @SolidCrypto,

Good to read an nice steps you made!

I am dutch too, somewhat older (54), deal with that, meaning: !(“20” || “30”) anymore, time flies, Have fun… :wink:

Started at 7 with computer electronics, C / machinelanguage programming, build an Apple][-clone in the 80s, GPSGSM-blackbox, pre-tablet hardware, was a hosting reseller and unix (ubuntu) admin, PHP fullstack developer and since 2017 into Crypto via Masternodes and trading, building a bot and more and more focussing to crypto programming via IoT (IvanOnTech, !InternetOfThings), ie Defi201, great!

And like to participate / help if you like.

Hi @SolidCrypto,

Really inspirational, how are things developing?
