The Passing of Tyler Jenks. May his memory be for a blessing

Hey Ivan, Filip, and my fellow Academy Members,

Sometimes it is really quite astounding how quickly those closest to you in your life can just suddenly disappear.

I first started seeing Tyler when I would be watching Tone Vays’ different shows on his channels, and Tyler and Lea would be on to talk about the news and different things going on with Bitcoin. I started watching Tylers channel on Hyperwave TA theory, but to be honest I only watched because I so deeply appreciated the knowledge and enthusiasm Tyler had for trading, charts, and his fellow Bitcoin compatriots. I learned quite a lot about smart money management from him, something I would consider tantamount to success when it comes to being an active trader.

Even if Hyperwave theory isn’t your cup of tea, I would still highly suggest you to watch at least a few episodes to get an idea for how Tyler thought about things, and more importantly, to see what a kind and fun loving man he was.

I wish I had been able to know him better.

I guess I should end my (tear filled) message with a note about really appreciating the daily gift that is being alive, being able to learn, and being able to love and be loved by those around you. Our community is a global one, and the closer we come across the web, the more intimately we care for each-other’s plights .

A life well lived can be defined by the legacy you leave behind. In knowledge imparted, love experienced, and just in general by the way your interactions with others shaped their beliefs and values.

So in summary: Thank you to Ivan, Filip, and everyone in the Academy that are here every day we have left to spread knowledge and the general love for humanity that we share with each other.

I’m not crying, I am just leaking ocular lubricant at an alarming rate. Back to the integration of programming bits. :sob::triumph::robot:

(Love you all :kissing_heart: :wink:)