As you can see from the image, I am getting error with “truffleAssert.reverts”. It should already revert but it is not getting tick from the test. If someone can help me, I would be appreciated.
Hi @jieunpro
It is just that the error message is not matching with the message in the contract test.
Try like this
await truffleAssert.reverts(
dex.withdraw(byteValue,500), "Insufficient Balance" // Match the message with the contract revert message
Let us know if it works.
It worked! To make it clear, there is a require statement in my original withdraw function and the error message in this require statement is “Insufficient Balance”. If I want to write a test for this function specifically, do I need to match the error statements? Was that the problem?
Thank you so much for your answer. What about this one? I wrote it exactly like from the video. And it says depositEth is not a function. And also I think so because I couldn’t find that function in the files. If it is a silly question, sorry for that I am beginner.
Hi @jieunpro
Code looks correct. Can you check if the function name depositEth
is matching with the name in contract? or Maybe check if there is a typo in function name.
The problem is there is no any function loke that. I could not see it on the videos, where should i write that function? Which contract should i locate it?