Satoshi Nakamoto was Western Australian

The bitcoin Whitepaper was written in Australian English (Same as British, != American)
Western Australia runs on GMT+8
For the first three months of blockchain time. Every block was timestamped in GMT+9 during this period Western Australia in a trial of daylight savings time they then voted it out and went back to gmt + 8 and did not return to gmt+9 links

Check for yourself on the blockchain explorer


Hey IntrepidShape. I don’t see any evidence. Firstly it’s just a blockexplorer website which represents you a readable copy and not the block itself. For me it shows just GMT+1 timestamps, even I connect through Australia via VPN and use another browser. When I use TOR Browser it shows me UTC. I don’t know how the blocks are timestamped to be honest, but maybe you can show some evidence that work. It would be interesting. But still they could have used a VPN…

My view on Satoshi N.: Bitcoin was never been created by a single person. Think for your self. What are the odds that this complicated system is made by one? There were more people involved, it was part of a big plan, they already knew what they are doing and they used it for really dirty things for sure. The Internet was invented by some divisions of the worlds most influential entities, for whom no law or rules exist. Some american “government agency” and a “small company”. And guess who made bitcoin.

Who is manipulating the bitcoin price? Some unknown group of Whales dump it and buy back cheaper, that are facts -> onchain data. They put a clown in the media show, for the public to blame the wrong. How can people blame a single person for an absurd sentence on twitter, for the capitulation of 50% and billions in the market? How ridiculous to think that.

We are enslaved to the same group of people since ages, now they propagate that manipulating our RNA will protect us.

#dogma #believe sytem #propaganda