Reading Assignment: Truffle Console

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    Truffle develop spins up a new local blockchain while truffle console will connect to an existing ethereum client.

  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    They can be used for testing, running migrations and interacting with the smart contracts.

  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    The list of addresses in the blockchain, their private keys and the mnemonic used to generate them.

  4. What does the migrate command do?
    The migrate command will deploy your smart contracts to whichever network you’re connected to in the console

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  • What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop? Develop creates a blockchain for you to use while console let you connect to any Ethereum client.
  • Why is it important to know how to use them? it the way you create and interact with a local blockchain for development purposes.
  • What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop? address, private keys and mnemonic for this blockchain it created.
  • What does the migrate command do? it runs the migrate scripts
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  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    Truffle Develop spawns a development blockchain while Truffle Console does not.
    You use Ganache with Console and not Develop if you wish.

  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    Because these are the means through which we test our contracts for production.

  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    You see a list of accounts, private keys, and a mneumonic.

  4. What does the migrate command do?
    It provisions newly assigned addresses and binaries.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    Truffle console: allows you to interact with the EVM chains,
    Truffle development: create a local block chain and allow you to interact with it

  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    be fundamental in phase of deployd and testing your contract, and in case of debugging of the smart contract and front-end ( in functions connetted at the chain)

  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    one list of 10 ETH address and them private keys

  4. What does the migrate command do?
    deploy your smart contract on block chains (local or public)

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truffle console is interactive console that can connect to any Ethereal client
truffle develop is also interactive console that also spawns development blockchain


So we can test and interact with our contract before deploying to real network




it will run all migration files in migrations folder

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  1. Truffle console will connect to Etherium client while Truffle develop will connect to local
  2. Because we will be using them in our debugging, and it’s important which one to choose in between console and develop depending on the use case
  3. The ip address of the local network
  4. It deploys the contract
  1. Truffle develop is used to deploy and test in truffle’s chain while truffle console is used to enter to other chains.
  2. Its important to know how to use them because we need to know how to test our code locally, to do it in a fast and efficient way, but also in other chains such testnetts to make sure it will work on production.
  3. It prints a bunch of eth accounts we can use for testing purposes inside truffle.
  4. Migrate is used to deploy our contracts.
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1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
The console is useful for basic interaction like deployment to a testnet or another client like Ganache.
Truffle Develop is for testing and spinning up a local blockchain with truffle
2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
To correctly test and debug code locally
3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
a list of testaccounts, their private keys and a mnemonic phrase.
4. What does the migrate command do?
It runs migrations according to what is set up, Be it local testing, a testnet or to the main network.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?

Truffle Console : A basic interactive console connecting to any Ethereum client
Truffle Develop : An interactive console that also spawns a development blockchain

  1. Why is it important to know how to use them?

Having two differenet consoles allow you to use the best tool for your needs.

  1. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?

This shows you the addresses, private keys, and mnemonic for this particular blockchain.

  1. What does the migrate command do?

Used to run migrations to deploy contracts.

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1.What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
Truffle Console is an interactive console connecting to any Ethereum client.
Truffle Develop is an interactive console that spawn a development blockchain.

Develop gives you a local blockchain environment.

2.Why is it important to know how to use them?
It’s important to know how to use them so you can test, deploy and interact with your contract before spending deploying to a production network.

3.What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
Truffle Develop started at http://localhost:9545/
accounts (addresses),
private keys,
and mnemonic for the local blockchain.

4.What does the migrate command do?
The migrate command will deploy the compiled contracts to the specified network.

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