Reading Assignment: Truffle Console

Welcome to this assignment. Please answer the following questions from the lecture. Feel free to ask questions here as well if you need the help.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
  4. What does the migrate command do?
  1. We us truffle console when we already have an ethereum client, we want to migrate our contract to the mainnet or testnet or when we have to use specific account list.
  2. So that we can easily deploy our smart contracts easily.
  3. A list of accounts, their private keys and the mnemonic phrase.
  4. It runs migartion files to deploy contracts.

1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
Console accesses existing clients or you are working with real-world external systems and data.
Develop is a way in which to do the same actions though in a sandbox type environment.

2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
Because they each have their own use cases and are valuable in those different domains.

3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
This shows you the addresses, private keys, and mnemonic for this particular blockchain.

4. What does the migrate command do?
This allows the contract to be deployed to a testnet or the Ethereum mainnet.

  1. The Truffle Console provides basic interactive console access to any Ethereum client. Truffle Develop provides the console as well as a local development blockchain to test contracts.

  2. Truffle Console and Develop allow you to stand up a quick local blockchain instance to quickly test projects. The Truffle Console also allows you to connect to other Ethereum clients like Ganache (I like this method) as well as enabling contract migrations to the testnet. If you want to quickly test a contract it’s quick with Truffle Develop, however if you want to develop a more complex dapp and simulate real world, you would use the Truffle Console connected to an Ethereum client like Ganache and metamask for testing and then you could migrate locally tested contracts to testnet…

  3. The default connection for the Truffle Console is development. Unless you override to connect to local Ganache, Geth or testnet, the console will display “truffle(development)” to indicate you are connected to local Truffle Develop environment.

  4. The migrate command deploys the configured contracts to the network the console is connected to. Once deployed, you can use the Truffle Console to interact with the contracts.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    Console enables you to connect to any Ethereum network while Develop provides an isolated local network to test your contract.
  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    They are tools the make it easy for you to test, deploy and interact with your contract before spending the time and money to deploy to the production network.
  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    The command is truffle develop. When it spins up the URL of the node, a list of test account address are displayed (first public keys then secret keys) and finaly the menomic of the node is displayed.
  4. What does the migrate command do?
    Truffle migrate will deploy all compiled contracts in your project (based on the scripts in the migrations folder) are deployed to the target network.
  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    The console will let you interact with any ethereum client and the develop also lets you access a development blockchain locally.

  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    It will help you with testing the contracts you make on a local blockchain without having to deploy them on testnet or mainnet

  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    The addresses you can use + private keys that belongs to there addresses + mnemonic words

  4. What does the migrate command do?
    I launches the last version (highest migration nr) of the contract on the blockchain.


1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
The console connects to an existing client. Develop creates it’s own development blockchain.

2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
It will be helpful for development and testing of smart contracts. You can use develop to test contracts on your own blockchain without having to use the testnet or mainnet.

3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
The addresses, private keys and mnemonic words for the account

4. What does the migrate command do?
It deploys all of the compiled contracts on the blockchain you are connected to


1.) truffle develop : will start a private blockchain, which can be used for testing SC,
truffle console : will connect to a ETH Client running on an external blockchain or (Test)System/Net (e.g. Ganache)

2.) For development, testing & deployment purposes for the (custom) SC, it’s usefull to use the truffle develop and console - esp. when interacting with the SC, via Metamask, or own DAPPs, etc. before deploy them in a production network.

3.) Some (auto)generated (ETH)addresses & private keys, menomonics, webservice-URL

4.) migrate deploys a SC or a chain of SC on a blockchain (network)

  1. The difference between them is that develop spawns a development blockchain.
  2. It allows you to test your projects without actually deploying to the blockchain.
  3. The account addresses, private keys and mnemonic passphrase.
  4. This deploys your project to the testnet or ethereum mainnet.

Truffle console gives you access to any Ethereum client to have basic interactions with. Truffle Develop enables you to test contracts by creating a local blockchain

Greatly help your efficency on what and how clear you wanna test things

Basically all tools needed for a local blockchain simulation

Deploys your contracts

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  1. Truffle Console : A basic interactive console connecting to any Ethereum client
    Truffle Develop : An interactive console that also spawns a development Blockchain
  2. They each have their own use cases and are valuable these ereas.
  3. A list of accounts, their private keys and the mnemonic phrase.
  4. It runs migration files to deploy contracts.

1.The difference is that in develop a local node for local blockchain development is created and therefore you can test your code without using a testnet (e. g. ropsten)

  1. Because we can speed up the development process with using a local node instead testnet. It is easy to deploy our smart contract and interact with it with different accounts

  2. List with different accounts and a list with the according private keys and the important mnemonic phrase

  3. With migration you can deploy your contracts and bring it to life.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    Truffle console allows you to deploy the contract to other clients or testnet. Truffle develop is an easy tool to work with since it provides the basics without managing or installing separate blockchain clients.

  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    They both provide their unique benefits to using them.

  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    Local addresses, private keys and mnemonic.

  4. What does the migrate command do?
    The migrate command deploys configured contracts to the network that it’s connected to. This is the only way we get to interact with our smart contracts

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1.) Truffle Develop: starts a private blockchain, which can be used for testing secret contracs,
Truffle Console: connects to a ethereum client running on an external blockchain or testnet etc…
2.) For development, testing & deployment purposes for the (custom) SC, it’s usefull to use the truffle develop and console - esp. when interacting with the SC, via Metamask, or own DAPPs, etc. before deploy them in a production network.
3.) Shows you the addresses, private keys, and mnemonic for particular blockchain.
4.) This allows smart contract to be deployed to a testnet or the Ethereum mainnet.

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1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
Truffle Console is a basic interactive console connecting to any Ethereum client.
Truffle Develop is the same as Truffle Console but it also spawns a development blockchain
2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
development and testing should not be done in production environments and as such truffle gives you a local development sandbox plus the tools to migrate you code to production
3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
The URL and port to the local blockchain, and a list of test Accounts along with their private keys and Mnemonic
4. What does the migrate command do?
Deploys the contract to the Ethereum network (local, testnet, mainnet)

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  1. Console is for when you have a blockchain client you’re already using, such as Ganache or Geth, or want to migrate to testnet or mainnet or want to use specific account list then
    Develop - is for when you have no immediate need to deploy, dont need specific accounts and dont need a separate blockchain cleint

  2. essential for day to day rapid development

  3. public and private keys of accounts created within the local eth node

  4. deploys contracts (idempotently) in correct order from the migrates directory onto the configured blockchain

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  1. Truffle Console is compatible with pre-existing clients such as Ganache or geth; allows for migration to a live testnet such as Ropsten, and allows you to use a specific mnemonic or account list.
    Truffle Develop allows for immediate deployment with no intention of a testnet deployment, nor separate blockchain client.

  2. Both of these tools allow you to test contracts before they are deployed and considered production-ready.

  3. When Truffle Develop is launched, you get 10 accounts, 10 private keys and a 12 word mnemomic/key phrase.

  4. The migrate command runs all migrations files, which in turn deploy all contracts to the designated blockchain.

  1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?
    if you don’t need to deploy contract immediately or don’t need to use specific account then use the Truffle Develop.
  2. Why is it important to know how to use them?
    It is valuable to use them to deploy smart contract.
  3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?
    It shows the addresses ,private keys and mnemonic of this particular blockchain.
  4. What does the migrate command do?
    It allows the smart contract to be deployed.

1. What is the difference between Truffle Console and Truffle Develop?

Truffle Console is to connect to an existing external Ethereum client such as an Ethereum testnet, Ganache or main blockchain.

Truffle Develop is for testing your project with no intention to deploy to an external testnet or production blockchain. It also does not require installing and managing a separate blockchain client.

2. Why is it important to know how to use them?

So that we can test and deploy our smart contracts on to the blockchain.

3. What is printed in the console when launching Truffle Develop?

Accounts, private keys and mnemonic

4. What does the migrate command do?

Deploys your smart contracts onto the blockchain.

  1. Truffle Console: A basic interactive console connecting to any Ethereum client.
    Truffle Develop: An interactive console that also spawns a development blockchain.

  2. Reasons to use Truffle Console:
    You have a client you’re already using, such as Ganache or geth
    You want to migrate to a testnet (or the main Ethereum network)
    You want to use a specific mnemonic or account list

Reasons to use Truffle Develop:
You are testing your project with no intention of immediately deploying
You don’t need to work with specific accounts (and you’re fine with using default development accounts)
You don’t want to install and manage a separate blockchain client

  1. Accounts, private keys and mnemonic phrase.

  2. It is deploying contracts from migrates directory to configured blockchain.

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