Reading Assignment – HTML

Welcome to the discussion about the first assignment.

Leave your answers to the questions below in this thread. If you have any questions or you want to discuss something connected to the assignment feel free to do it in this thread as well, but please everything to the topic of HTML!

  1. What is HTML?
  2. What is HTML used for?
  3. Why are we learning HTML?
  4. What is an HTML tag?
  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
  6. What is an attribute?
  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
  1. What is HTML?
    HTML is the use of tags in order to make a webpage perform a certain set of actions.
  2. What is HTML used for?
    It is a tool for coding a webpage, it can do things like make things appear on the page.
  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    It is a basic coding language that will build a foundation for anyone learning to code.
  4. What is an HTML tag?
    Something put in between: < and >, it usually needs to be closed with </ and >. It guides the computer on what to do.
  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?


  6. What is an attribute?
    A way to add extra info or direction to an element without it being apart of the content.
  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    An opening tag, followed by the content, followed by a closing tag makes an element.
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Hi All

  1. What is HTML?
  • HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of your content.
  1. What is HTML used for?
  • It is used for coding webpages
  1. Why are we learning HTML?
  • It is the basic code of language who would like to learn programming, so the best starting point
  1. What is an HTML tag?
  • a tag is for example

    where you can give any titles to a webpage for example
  1. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
  2. What is an attribute?
    -Attributes contain extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content.
  3. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    -opening tag, content, closing tag. These 3 makes an element
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  1. What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language - it’s a markup language that defines the structure for content

  1. What is HTML used for?

It is used to define the structure of web pages

  1. Why are we learning HTML?

To be able to add content into a web page

  1. What is an HTML tag?

A tag defines the type of content to be inserted. Generally an opening and closing tag are required with the content being inserted between the tags. In the case of an img tag, no closing tag is required.

  1. What is the structure of an HTML tag?

A tag is a character or set of characters that sit between a less than and greater than sign <>

  1. What is an attribute?

An attribute contains extra information about an element that you don’t want showing up in the content.

  1. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?

Opening and closing tags with and tags nested within.

The tags are the root tags which define the document type.

The tag contains information about the page such as or styling but it does not show as content.

The tag contains all the content of the web page.

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  1. What is HTML?
  • Hypertext Markup Language structures web pages and their content.
  1. What is HTML used for?
  • HTML is used to make parts of content appear or behave a certain way.
  1. Why are we learning HTML?
  • Familiarity with HTML is crucial for aspiring developers looking to create web pages or applications.
  1. What is an HTML tag?
  • Tags are specific sets of characters that create components known as “elements” within HTML.
  1. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
  • An opening HTML tag begins with < then element name then > while a closing tag begins with < / then element name then >
  1. What is an attribute?
  • An attribute contain extra information about an element that is not intended to appear in the actual content.
  1. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
  • The anatomy of an HTML document includes: doctype, html element, head element, meta charset element, title element, body element. It can also include image elements, heading elements, paragraph elements, unordered/ordered list elements, and link elements.
  • What is HTML?
    Is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet.
  • What is HTML used for?
    It is used to structure a web page and its content
  • Why are we learning HTML?
    Its a basic code language for programming.
  • What is an HTML tag?
    A tag is used for creating an [element]
  • What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    The structure of HTML is a character that is sit between a less than and greater than sign and forma an Element
  • What is an attribute?
    An attribute contain extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content.
  • What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
  1. The opening tag: This consists of the name of the element (in this case, p), wrapped in opening and closing angle brackets . This states where the element begins or starts to take effect — in this case where the paragraph begins.
    2.The closing tag: This is the same as the opening tag, except that it includes a forward slash before the element name. This states where the element ends — in this case where the paragraph ends. Failing to add a closing tag is one of the standard beginner errors and can lead to strange results.
    3.The content: This is the content of the element, which in this case, is just text.
    4.The element The opening tag, the closing tag, and the content together comprise the element.
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1. What is HTML?
Is Mark up language that defines the structure of content

2. What is HTML used for?
is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content.

3. Why are we learning HTML?
To create web pages to interact with smart contracts.

4. What is an HTML tag?
Statement that defines what type of content we have on website.
It states where where the element begins and ends.

5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
Opening and closing tag and content between them

6. What is an attribute?
Attribute provides extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content.

7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
Begins with !DOCTYPE html tag then followed by html tag, then head and body and closing tags to make an element.

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HTML Reading Assignment 1

  1. What is HTML?

Html (hypertext markup language) is the coding language that is used to structure a web page and its content. For instance, HTML can be used to structure content within a set of paragraphs, a list of bulleted points, or using images and data tables. HTML is, therefore, a markup language that defines the structure of content on a web page. HTML is comprised of a series of elements, which are used to enclose or wrap, different parts of the content to make it appear in a particular way, or act in a certain way on the web page. The enclosing tags can be used to make a word or image hyperlink to somewhere else, can italicize words, can make the font bigger or smaller, et cetera.

  1. What is HTML used for?

HTML is used to structure a web page and its content. Thus, HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of your content. HTML can be used to make the content appear in a particular way, or act in a certain way.

  1. Why are we learning HTML?
    We are learning HTML with the intention of being able to define the structure web pages and their contents.

  2. What is an HTML tag?
    An HTML tag is a subcomponent of a HTML element. HTML elements consist of two tags, the opening tag and the closing tag. In HTML, a tag is used for creating an element. The name of an HTML element is the name used in angle brackets like

    for paragraph

  3. What is the structure of an HTML tag?

An HTML tag consists of two opposite angle brackets with a name in-between the brackets. For example,

for paragraph. The end or closing tag’s name is preceded by a slasher characters,

. In empty elements, the end tag is neither required nor allowed.

Opening tags consist of the name of the element, wrapped in opening and closing angle brackets. The opening tag is used to state where the element begins or starts to take effect.

The closing tag includes a forward slash before the element name and is used to state where the element ends.

  1. What is an attribute?

HTML elements can also contain attributes. Attributes contain additional information about the element that the developer does not want to appear in the actual content the end user can see on the web page. Attributes consist of a name and a value.

An attribute must always have the following:

1: A space between the attribute and the element name (or the previous attribute, if the element already has one or more attributes)
2: The attribute name followed by an equal sign
3: The attribute value must be wrapped by opening and closing quotation marks

However, simply attribute values that do not contain ASCII whitespace can remain unquoted, but it is recommended that developers quote all attribute values, as it makes the code itself more consistent and understandable.

  1. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    An HTML document consists of individual elements that are combined to form an entire HTML page.

Below is an example of the anatomy of an HTML document:

My test page My test image
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  1. Hyper text markup language
  2. It is used for creating web pages
  3. It is a basic coding language that is crucial to people wanting to build web pages or online applications
  4. a tag defines what the content is within it
    5. content
    6 an attribute is extra information about the element that you dont want to show
  5. !DOCTYPE html tag, followed by head body and closing tags to make elements
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  1. Hyper text markup language
  2. HTML is used to structure a webpage and its contents
  3. To learn as part of the building blocks for webpage development
  4. Tags form part of elements and generally open and close the element
  5. Opening and closing tags ie

  6. Attributes contain extra information about elements and are located within the opening tag
  7. The structure of the elements within a HTML page
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HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of your content.

HTML is used to enclose, or wrap, different parts of the content to make it appear a certain way, or act a certain way.

To learn coding basics for a webpage

Tag, opening and closing, is used to define an element.

The name of the element wrapped with opening and closing brackets. Closing tag includes a forward slash before the element name.

Attributes contain extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content.

Doctype, html root element, head element, meta charset UTF-8 element, title element, body element.

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1 & 2 HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a markup language used to give documents semantic meaning and structure, primarily used on the web.

3 The front end of any web application is built in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Of these three primary technologies, HTML is the most foundational.

4 & 5 An HTML tag is an individual unit of HTML markup that gives any text content wrappend between it its semantic meaning. Tags are typically structured with an and pair of elements. For example, heading text may be denoted by:

My Heading Here

6 Attributes are additional metadata that may be associated with an HTML tag, such as the href attribute on an anchor tag which is used to set the destination URL of a link.

7 HTML documents have a head and body section, with document metadata such as the page title and links to external resources such as stylesheets typically contained in the head, and the user-facing elements contained within the body. HTML documents possess a nested structure - with parent elements wrapping children.

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  1. HyperTest Markup Language is the code that is used to structure a web page and it’s content.

  2. For creating websites.

  3. It’s the basics of making a website

  4. It’s used for making an element on a page. For example a text, images or hyperlink. It defines when this element starts or ends.

  5. It’s a letter(s) (for example “p”) between brackets

    for opening and it closes the element with a slash between brachets and the letter(s)

  6. It contains information you don t wan’t to appear in the actual element.

<!DOCTYPE html>  
<head> Here you write things that you want to appear in search results, describtions etc, that won't appear on the site itself.
<meta charset="utf-8">`
<title> here you write the title of the page</title>
<body> Here you write your page, with alle elements
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What is HTML?

  • Hyper text markup language it defines the structure of your content on a website

What is HTML used for?

  • Used to structure a website in a certain way

Why are we learning HTML?

  • In order to be a full stack developer HTML is a important foundation every coder should know

What is an HTML tag?

  • In HTML a tag is used for creating a element you got opening tags and closing tags

What is the structure of a HTML tag?

  • Opening tag - Content - Closing tag, you could also add attributes to the element.

What is an attribute?

  • An attribute contains extra information about the element that you dont want to appear in the content

What is the anatomy of a HTML document?

  • Individual elements combined to create a HTML it also consists of HTML tags and meta data can be added to elevate the document
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  1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content.

  2. HTML is a markup language that defines the structure of your content. HTML consists of a series of elements, which you use to enclose, or wrap, different parts of the content to make it appear a certain way, or act a certain way.

  3. Because it´s one of the most commenly used programming languages and its our foundation for keep going on learning.

  4. An HTML tag is commonly defined as a set of characters constituting a formatted command for a Web page. At the core of HTML, tags provide the directions or recipes for the visual content that one sees on the Web.

  5. Opening and closing tag and content between it.

  6. Attributes contain extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content.

  7. Opening and closing tag and content between it.

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  1. What is HTML?

HTML which stands for hypertext markup language is a markup language that defines the structure of your content.

  1. What is HTML used for?

HTML is used to structure a webpage and makes content appear or act a certain way.

  1. Why are we learning HTML?

HTML is a foundational coding language used for programming.

  1. What is an HTML tag?

HTML tags are part of an HTML element. These tags have an opening and a closing and hold content within them.

  1. What is the structure of an HTML tag?

Structure of HTML tag is an opening and closing tag, these hold content within them.

  1. What is an attribute?

Attributes contain extra information about the element that you don’t want to appear in the actual content. This is something only the developer can see.

  1. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?

Anatomy of an HTML document begins with !DOCTYPE html tag, this is then followed by a tags(this wraps the entire HTML content. Following this is , <meta charset=, , and .

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  1. What is HTML?
    It is hypertext markup language, it defines a structure of the content.

  2. What is HTML used for?
    It is used for structuring a web page and its content. It consists of different elements that make the web page appear and act in a certain way.

  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    So we can develop web pages and structure them as we wish.

  4. What is an HTML tag?
    Tags are used for adding hyperlinks to words or images, they can also give certain features to different elements (bigger, smaller fonts, italicized words…)

  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    We know opening and closing tag, in between is content and the whole thing is named the element. Opening tag consists of the name of the element that is wraped in opening and closing angle brackets. Closing tag is the same, the only difference is it has forward slash before the name of the element.

  6. What is an attribute?
    Attributes contain of the extra information that we don’t want to appear in the actual content. They define additional properties of the element (for example width and hight of an image). Attribute has a name and an attribute value.
    Between the name of the element and an atribute has to be space, then we add name of the attribute, equals sign (=) and value of the attribute that has to be in quotation marks (’‘something’’)

  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    -html: root element that wraps contents of the entire page
    -head: acts like the container of everything you want to include to the html page that isn’t the content of the page (for example keywords, page description that appears in search results…)
    -meta charset=“utf-8”
    -title: The title of the page that appears in browsing tab. It also appears when you bookmark/favorite the page
    -body: it contains all of the elements you want to appear on the page (text, images, links,audio…)

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1. HTML is the code that is used to structure a web page and its content.

2. It is used to structure a web page and its content.

3 To be able to build websites.

4. Tag is one of HTML elements. Its used to create an element in webpage. It defines where content starts, and where it ends.

5. Opening tag- content- closing tag

6.Attributes contain of the extra information that we don’t want to appear in the actual content.

7. `

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My test page</title>
    <img src="images/firefox-icon.png" alt="My test image">


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  1. What is HTML?
    Hypertext Markup Language is the syntax that forms the structure of a web page that instructs an internet browser how to display the content on the device.

  2. What is HTML used for?
    HTML defines the structure of the content on the web page via elements (a single data item, a group of text, an image, etc.) that are used to make the content appear or act in a certain way.

  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    We need HTML (structure), CSS (look/styling) and Javascript (buttons/functionality) to build what a user will experience when they use our Decentralized Application on a blockchain.

  4. What is an HTML tag?
    HTML tags define where an element begins and ends.

  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    The Opening Tag consists of: opening angle bracket (“<”), the name of the element, and a closing angle bracket (“>”). The Opening Tag would be placed where the element begins or starts to take effect.
    The Closing Tag is the same as the Opening Tag, except that it includes a forward slash (“/”) before the element name. The Closing Tag would be placed where the element ends.

  6. What is an attribute?
    An attribute contains extra information about an element that won’t actually appear in the actual content, but gives you the ability to label an element with an identifier that can be used to target it and other elements with the same class value with style information.

  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    The individual elements that are combined to form an entire HTML page consist of:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Title on Browser Tab</title>
    <img src="images/firefox-icon.png" alt="My test image">
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  1. What is HTML?
    • Html is a code for create front end mask in web
  2. What is HTML used for?
    • Html is the structor witch we use can export data from back-end to frond-end for permits at user
      interact with back-end code, or simple we write data witch third they see ( ex forum)
  3. Why are we learning HTML?
    • Because this we permit of send and receive information from js code
  4. What is an HTML tag?
    • Tag is a command in brackets “<>” witch change the comportment of the word inside they
  5. What is the structure of an HTML tag?
    • The mode what must write a tag.
  6. What is an attribute?
    • Attribute is a command witch change the comportment of the tag, or they quality.
  7. What is the anatomy of an HTML document?
    • Anatomy is compose at the all tag, necessary and not, witch form a HTML document.
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