Reading Assignment: Accessibility and HTML

  1. Making sure the correct HTML elements are being used for the correct purpose at all times.

  2. They would use a screen reader.

  3. Semantic HTML promotes good content structure with the focus outside of some kind of server-side framework which is quite rigid. Every improvement made will only help the cause of accessibility.

  • Don’t use dashes if you can avoid it. Instead of writing 5–7, write 5 to 7.
  • Expand abbreviations — instead of writing Jan, write January.
  • Expand acronyms, at least once or twice. Instead of writing HTML in the first instance, write Hypertext Markup Language.
  1. Basically, the tabindex attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order. Causes confusion in most cases, only use if necessary to make things work more logically.

Accessibility is the compatibility of code with multiple, well established programs.

If someone is vision impaired, they may use screen reading technology, which is a good example of a system that relies on accessible HTML code.

Semantic HTML helps makes websites accessible because it is not just accessible to computer programs, but has a layout structure that other coders can read and edit.

In general, common practices that should be avoided are those that rely on JavaScript or other language to do what HTML can do in a more accessible way (i.e. a way that search engines and other established system prioritize), and other related internal HTML coding details which affects SEO (like using ‘b’ tag instead of ‘strong’). Others have to do with readability - like using the word “to” instead of “-” for ranges (i.e. 1 to 3 instead of 1-3), and abbreviations that may be misinterpreted.

The tab index attribute allows the elements that would be accessed in a default tab order to be accessed in a specified numeric order.

1.Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible. screenreader
3. screenreader reads elements such as headings, paragraphs. etc so a clear structure is much easier to understand
4.try not using Dashes, acronims and expand Abbreviation
5. The tabindex attribute specifies the tab order of an element

Answers to Accessibility and HTML

What is accessibility?

a good semantic, the right element for the job, markup by using the correct element will improve accessibility
making your websites usable by as many people as possible

How do people interpret websites without vision?

people will be confused as for example a new website ‘suddenly’ opens when they do not expect this.

How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?

It improves accessibility, also improves SEO(Search Engine Optimization), making your site more findable
make your site more usable by other groups ( hearing/mobility impairments)

Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

do not “retrofit” accessibility onto an existing website that has significant accessibility issues

What is a tab index?

with tabindex you can make elements ‘tabbable’ or UN-tabbable ( tabindex=‘0’ ot tabindex=‘1’)

  1. Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.
  2. Screen readers
  3. One of the best accessibility features a screen reader user can have is a great content structure with titles, parameters, lists, etc.
<font size="7">My heading</font>
This is the first section of my document.
I'll add anoth
  1. is a global attribute that allows an HTML element to receive focus .
  1. Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.
  2. Screen readers
  3. One of the best accessibility features a screen reader user can have is a great content structure with titles, parameters, lists, etc.
<font size="7">My heading</font>
This is the first section of my document.
I'll add anoth
  1. is a global attribute that allows an HTML element to receive focus .
  1. Accessibility can be viewed as the process of creating products (websites) that are usable by people with the widest range of abilities (visually impaired, hearing impaired, cognitive impairments, etc.) and widest range of situations (computers, mobile devices, slow internet, etc.)

  2. Those that are visually impaired may interpret websites with tools called assistive technologies such as a a screen magnifier or screen reader.

  3. Semantic HTML keeps marking up simple and clean, essentially making the code “lighter” and easier to edit.

  4. It’s best to avoid using abbreviations, slang, dashes and antiquated HTML writing styles.

  5. The tabindex attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order specified numerically.

  1. The various ways people can visit a website. People with handicaps will see, hear of feel a website in a different way. Having good accessibility means these people will also be able to understand the content of a website without any extra effort.

  2. By using a screenreader.

  3. It gives the website the correct layout in the code. By using the correct labels and elements it will make the codes easier to read and it gives form to a code instead of it being a long line of text. This will also help people who use screenreaders because now they can distinguish different pages, forms and articles. It makes it easier to navigate on a page, and will also prevent errors on images or even describe them if needed.

  4. Avoid using abbreviations, complicated language or using sings like dashes

  5. It gives buttons the ability to be focused on or tabbable elements to have a custom tab order.

  1. Accessibility is the process of creating content with clearly defined sections thus making it easier to code or for a program to read aloud in a contextual manner. in short it allows things to be clearly defined and not just one giant chunk.

  2. An example of accessibility as stated above would be a screen reader or magnifier.

  3. Aside from being good practice to code semantically it also makes things easier for new layers of different code and the ability to be easily understood via a screen reader.

  4. Keep things in code simple and well defined as to avoid making things harder to edit or be read by a screen reader , slings , dashes and abbreviations are also key things to avoid.

  5. A tab index is something that gives sequential elements to tables and buttons , making things even more accessibility friendly

  1. What is accessibility? Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision? Using a screen reader which is software that reads digital text aloud.
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
  • Delivering content in more than one way, such as by text-to-speech or by video.
  • Easily understood content, such as text written using plain-language standards.
  • Focusing attention on important content.
  • Minimizing distractions, such as unnecessary content or advertisements.
  • Consistent webpage layout and navigation.
  • Familiar elements, such as underlined links blue when not visited and purple when visited.
  • Dividing processes into logical, essential steps with progress indicators.
  • Website authentication as easy as possible without compromising security.
  • Making forms easy to complete, such as with clear error messages and simple error recovery.
  1. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Overuse of
    to separate new lines. Using tables to define the header, footer and main content of a HTML document.
  • Don’t use dashes if you can avoid it. Instead of writing 5–7, write 5 to 7.
  • Expand abbreviations — instead of writing Jan, write January.
  • Expand acronyms, at least once or twice. Instead of writing HTML in the first instance, write Hypertext Markup Language.
  1. What is a tab index? tab index is attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.
  1. Accessibility is used to make your website usable by as many as possible, using correct langauge and avoiding jargon and slangs will make your website accessbile for a wider range of people.

  2. Vision impaired people can use screen readers for your website, that’s why it’s important to have good markup language in your code, so the text can be easily understood when only listening.

  3. Semantic HTML uses tags that has meaning such as < p , we know that the content inside has a paragraph, looking for tags like this makes it easy for the reader to find information. It also makes it easier for google to find information aswell.

  4. You should avoid using slangs, abbreviations and dashes for example. This can confuse the reader and it will be harder for the SEO to find your webpage.

  5. Tab index is programmed in the HTML code and helps the user navigate through elements by using the tab key.

1 Accessibilty in the context of web development refers to a set of best practises to apply to web sites and applications to ensure users with disabilities are able to navigate the content without unreasonable difficulties.

2 People with visual impairment use audio screen readers to browse the web.

3 Proper semantic HTML helps convey the meaning and context of what is being read to adaptive technologies such as screen readers, which cannot make these determinations based purely on the visual representation of the page as a human reader can.

4 Avoid writing elements devoid of semantic meaning (e.g. anchor tags with “click here” or image tags without descriptive alt attributes). Avoid placing written content within images without accessible text alternatives.

5 tabindex is an HTML attribute used to allow tabbable elements to have their own custom tab order outside of the regular document flow.

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  1. The technique of making your websites accessible to as many people as possible is known as accessibility.

  2. Screen reading technology help visually-impaired readers surf the internet.

  3. Semantic HTML involves the relevant HTML components for their intended purpose. For example, using a <button> tag instead of a <div> tag.

Users can also navigate between buttons and interact with them by pressing the tab or enter key. This functionality is not possible with non-semantic HTML

  • No abbreviations e.g. Instead of Jul write July
  • Avoid slang… If you’re writing an article about pictures, don’t shorten the word picture to “pic” unless you explicitly specify that “picture” will be referred to as “pic” from now on…
  • Expand acronyms before giving them; re-expand them again (instead of assuming everyone knows what a DAO is, expand to Decentralised Autonomous Organisation).
  1. The tab-index feature determines an element’s tab order (when the “tab” button is used for navigating). Any HTML element can utilise the tab-index property.
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  1. Making your website as user friendly as possible.

  2. They use test readers, which reads test elements.

  3. Web crawlers can identify important words and present the website to potential users. elements can be selected in multiple ways such as buttons that can be selected using tab.

  4. Do not use page breaks instead of paragraphs and headings.
    Do not use Div for buttons. Do not use unclear link descriptions.

  5. It is used to give tabbable elements a tab order or to make non tabbable elements tabbable

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  1. What is accessibility?
    The ability for your web page to be accessed by all people and devices. This also helps SEO.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    With screen readers
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    By using the correct terms such as “strong”, this gives search engines the message that these areas are prominent and to be emphasized which impacts their search ability.
  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    element as you lose native keyboard accessability.
    using presentational HTML and line breaks,
    using unclear language like abbreviations, dashes or acronyms
    using HTML tables to create page layouts
  5. What is a tab index
    Basically, the tab index attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.
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  1. accessibility is the process of writing for any user regardless of physical or mental impairments to access your site’s features and content

  2. Through screen magnifiers and or screen readers

  3. Built-in keyboard accessibility.

  4. Spaghetti Code, Improper structure, use of abbreviatures.

  5. Gives focus or “tab-ability” to tabbable elements

  1. Creating websites usable by those with impairments.
  2. Screen readers
  3. Proper semantics creates order and clearer navigation for the impaired
  4. Using a bunch of line breaks. Unclear language such as slang, dashes, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  5. The tab index attribute is primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.
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  1. Accessibility is the ability of all users to understand your content. Including those that are impaired.

  2. They usually use a screen reader, so it is important to use semantics properly.

  3. By allowing screen readers to convey the information in a logical fashion.

  4. Don’t use

    element just to separate sections on your page. Always use the appropriate HTML semantics when possible. This will also help get more traffic to your site via search engine.

  5. The tab index attribute basically allows elements that are not normally tabbable to become tubbable.

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What is accessibility?

  • The ability to use something easily

How do people interpret websites without vision?

  • By providing meaning text alternatives that should directly represent the image and what it conveys visually.

How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?

  • Makes websites easier to develop with, better on mobile, and

Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

  • Writing headings, paragrahs, etc using presentational HTML and line breaks
  • Using div instead of the button tag for buttons in a website

What is a tab index?

  • An attribute to allow tabbable elements to have a custom specific order
  1. What is accessibility?
    Accessibility is used to describe the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    They can use screen readers, which is software that reads digital text aloud.
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    Semantic HTML provides extra semantics for screen readers (and other tools) to give users (e.g. people with visional impairments) extra clues about the content they are navigating.
  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
  • Some people mark up buttons using <div>s, which is not practical because the native keyboard accessibility that you get when using button elements is lost.
  • One should not use “Click here” for labels, as screen reader users sometimes get a list of buttons and form controls and then they cannot associate them with the right content.
  • A basic data table can be written with very simple markup, but there is no way for a screen reader user to associate rows or columns together as groupings of data.
  • One should never include text content inside an image because screen readers can’t access it.
  1. What is a tab index?
    The tabindex attribute allows tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.