Reading Assignment: Accessibility and HTML

1 is because is more easy to users navigate on the website, for example they can use tab and use Enter on keyboard to choose or start an action on the site

2 they may confuse when a new tab or window opened unexpectled

3 three reasons

  • you get some extra functionality for free, ex button

  • is better for mobile is a lighter file

  • is good for SEO

4 to avoid:
dont use div in all your code
dont use dashes 5-7 use 5 to 7

5 is to give a order to the different tabs, but seems this is a bad idea do this, cause can cause confusion

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  1. What is accessibility?
    Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible. We traditionally think of this as being about people with disabilities, but the practice of making sites accessible also benefits other groups such as those using mobile devices, or those with slow network connections.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    Many people with visual impairments use screen magnifiers that are either physical magnifiers or software zoom capabilities. Most browsers and operating systems these days have zoom capabilities. Some users will rely on screen readers, which is software that reads digital text aloud.
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites without vision?
    Structural, semantic HTML is the key starting point toward good accessibility practices. When a screen reader, or any sort of assistive device scans a web page, it gets information about the Document Object Model (DOM), or the HTML structure of the page
  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Avoid using dashes and avoid capitalizing markup.
  5. What is a tab index?
    The tab index is a global attribute that allows an HTML element to receive focus. It needs a value of zero or a negative number in order to work in an accessible way.
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  1. The practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible.
  2. Screen readers
  3. It provides a clear and easy path for the reader to interpret for the user.
    • Not Closing Tags. We know that HTML is all about tags.
    • Not Writing Alt Attribute.
    • Missing Doctype.
    • Inline Styles.
    • Using Multiple Line Breaks.
  4. Tab index is a global attribute that allows an HTML element to receive focus. It needs a value of zero or a negative number in order to work in an accessible way
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  1. Accesssibilty is the practice of making website usable for as many people as possble. Phyiscally imapaired and slow networks, devices etc.

  2. Zoom function and screen readers.

  3. Avoid using generic tags such as

    when more decrepitive tages are available which makes the website easily read and accessed.

  4. Sequential keyboard navigation using the tab key.

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  1. Accessibility is the practice of ensuring that things are usable by people no matter their ability.
  2. Screen readers are a tool used by people with limited vision to access websites.
  3. Semantic HTML is necessary to allow screen readers to interpret websites properly
  4. Not using the correct elements to create buttons, links, layout. Poor labelling of links and images.
  5. An attribute intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom order
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  1. That the website is built in a way that helps people with disabilities use it.
  2. With the help of screen readers.
  3. Semantics give the reader a clear way to interpret the content. Like if you use strong text to show that something is important.
    4.Don’t use abbreviations, dashes or acronyms
  4. It allows you to use the tab-button to navigate the site.
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1: Accessibility enables the user, regardless of disabilities or impairments, to use a website with ease be it on desktop or mobile. Such is done by using the correct HTML elements.

2: Screen readers can help other interpret websites without vision.

3: Using correct HTML semantics makes navigating websites for relevant information, which will incentivize users to continue to use them. This also makes for good SEO and better accessibility for mobile.

4: Slang, abbreviations, and dashes are all examples of what not to use. Also div is discouraged.

5: A tab index enables an order for an element.

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What is accessibility?

Accessibility is about creating code that gives access to people with disabilities (hearing impaired, vision impaired, etc.) in a way that can be interpreted by assisting machines or software by making it semantically correct.

How do people interpret websites without vision?

Using assistive software creates an interface that overrides the disability, for example, a screen reader.

How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?

By clearly indicating the purpose of each element on a webpage, so instead of a bunch of Div’s, each component would indicate if it is a paragraph, a button, an image, a video, etc. Semantic HTML can also indicate the hierarchy of the elements, giving a clear structure of the information.

Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.

  • Avoid using <b> and use heading tags <h1>, <h2>, etc. that indicate hierarchy.
  • Avoid using <div> for elements that already have an HTML definition, like buttons, tables, articles, paragraphs, lists, etc.
  • Avoid images that lack the <alt> tags information.
  • Avoid links that are not self-explanatory.
  • Try not to forget to declare the language used in the header (English, Spanish, etc.)

What is a tab index?

A tab index is an HTML attribute that allows to navigate using the TAB key instead of using a mouse. For example, using:

<div tabindex="1">Bing</div><br>

<div tabindex="3">Google</div><br>

<div tabindex="2">Microsoft</div>

allows moving from Bing to Google and Microsoft by clicking the tab key instead of using a mouse.

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Accessibility is how people that are handicapped visually (visually impaired) use web browsers. How ever, its not just for the visually impaired. Many many people can benefit from good accessibility practices. We as developers need to make sure that the code we are writing is clear and follows best practices for what we are writing code for.

If we as developers start practicing using code that aid's accessibility now, we will be better off in the long run.

a picture of a visually impaired person using a computer to surf and navigate the world wide web

Visually impaired people use a screen reader to access and use the web. Screen readers can come with the computer such as voice over for Mac. Or you could download a paid version such as Dolphin if you were to be so inclined. This is a rather expensive cost though. If you have a program in your town to aid the disabled with such purchases, I would contact them and inquire about it.

Semantic HTML is crucial to making a website accessible. There is a ton of functionality already built into the code. If we use it we can make our websites accessible for more people and isn't that what we want?

Don't write code like this (taken from the article HTML: A good basis for accessibility from MDN web docs):

This is the first section of my document.
I'll add another paragraph here too.
1. Here is
2. a list for
3. you to read
<font size="5">My subheading</font>
This is the first subsection of my document. I'd love people to be able to find this content!
<font size="5">My 2nd subheading</font>
This is the second subsection of my content. I think is more interesting than the last one.

A tab index is an attribute that allow elements to become tabbale, that is to be used in navigating the webpage that the user is on. This order is better to be specified in a positive numerical order than the default order. (I didn't use any in this exercise :wink: !)

  1. What is accessibility?
    Ability to use HTML code for impaired people in order to make it easier the understanding of a website.
  2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
    Thanks to screen reader, they are able to.
  3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    Thanks to meaningful tags and some attributes, content of pages make those accessible for anyone.
  4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    Above all, avoid to use not meaningful tags an, for instance, use header, nav, main, article, section tags and so on.
  5. What is a tab index?
    It allows to put as custom tab order though websites pages but it’s not mandatory.
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  1. What is accessibility?
  • It is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible
  1. How do people interpret websites without vision?
  • With a screen reader
  1. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
  • Helps in repurposing or syndicating page content – semantic elements encourage the syndication of website content across channel. This means that there are more trusted
    “external” links to your site which helps a great deal with page rankings.
  1. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
  • Don’t use dashes if you can avoid it. Instead of writing 5-7, write 5 to 7.
  • Expand abbreviations – instead of writing Jan, write January
  • Expand acronyms, at least once or twice. Instead of writing HTML in the first instance, write Hypertext Markup Language.
  1. What is a tab index?
  • It is an attribute primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order.
  • tab index is a global attribute that allows an HTML element to receive focus. It needs a value of zero or a negative number to work in an accessible way. When tab index’s value is set to zero or a positive number, the element can be navigated to via the keyboard’s Tab key
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  1. Accessibility is when everyone cam access your website even those with various disabilities.
  2. They rely on screen readers.
  3. The right HTML element must be used for the job such as Structural, semantic HTML which is the key starting point toward good accessibility practices so that screen readers do not have any issues whilst trying to read web pages.
  4. Avoid using other websites images or even links without permission.
    5 .The tab index allows users to navigate through the website using the tab function.
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  1. Meaning how accessible the code is, organized coding or semantic coding method provide higher accessibility. Easier to understand & read.

  2. Thru screen readers

  3. It provides a clear and easy path for the reader to interpret for the user

  4. Avoid abbreviations, dashes, acronyms

  5. tabindex allow tab function on the tabbable elements on the webpage, allow user to navigate using keyboard.

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  1. What is accessibility?
  • Accessibility allows users to navigate between buttons using the Tab key and activate their selection using Return or Enter
  1. How do people interpret websites without vision?
  • People without vision can interpret websites using a screen reader.
  1. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
  • Semantic html helps make websites more accessible by creating a structure to your website that is clear and easy for the screen reader to interpret the website
  1. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
  • Structuring you content in 1 giant block instead of giving it semantic content structure.
  • Using div’s instead of using appropriate html elements.
  • Hyperlinks make sense read out of context as well as within the context of the paragraph.
  • Making sure what you write is understood by being read aloud, for example, “6-7” or 6 to 7"
  1. What is a tab index?
  • tabindex indicates that its element can be focused and where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation (usually the tab key)
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  1. Accessibility is about how accessible your website is to people of differing capabilities.

  2. People without vision interpret websites by using screen readers.

  3. Semantic HTML helps make websites accessible by giving elements, links, and pictures properly descriptive names, so navigation is much easier for people with impairments.

  4. A few practices to avoid when writing HTML are:
    Improper use of tags
    Improper nesting
    Not using proper tags when you should for purposes like JS or CSS

  • A tab index is what you use when you want a custom order to how your website tabs through elements and you need JS to enable it.
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    1. The practice of making your websites more usable by as many people as possible no matter their ability or circumstance.
    2. Screen readers
    3. Semantic HTML helps people that use screen readers to easily navigate around your website, also semantic HTML has built-in keyboard accessibility - so users can navigate with the Tab key. Plus it is better for mobile users and helps make websites more findable.
    4. Using line breaks (<br>), creating page layouts using HTML tables, <button> elements marked up using <div>s
    5. An attribute primarily intended to allow tabbable elements to have a custom tab order (specified in positive numerical order), instead of just being tabbed through in their default source order
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    1. What is accessibility?
      Creating a webpage that is usable to as many people as possible.

    2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
      People use screen readers or magnifying software.

    3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
      It creates a structure to the webpage that is clear and provides relevant information to the user.

    4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
      Using divs instead of specific elements.
      Not providing meaningful labels of elements.
      Using dashes, acronyms. without first using the full wording.

    5. What is a tab index?
      Allowing for an element to utilise the tab functionality to assist with navigation.

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    1. In simple terms, it is being able to make your website usable by as many users as you can.

    2. People that have visual problems nowadays would mostly use screen magnifiers associated with software zoom capabilities since most browsers use them. However, there are some users with visual impairment that use screen readers, which is a software that reads digital text aloud.

    3)The screen reader will be able to tell a non-sighted user that there is a navigation section, and a main section. Or maybe the user will want to jump down to the footer. It’s all made much simpler to navigate when the pieces of your web page have actual descriptive names.

    1. Presentational HTML and line breaks, dashes, too much abreviations, too many acronyms, using HTML table when creating page layouts and etc.

    2. It’s an attribute specifies the tab order of an element (when the “tab” button is used for navigating). Also, it can be used on any HTML element (it will validate on any HTML element. However, it is not necessarily useful).

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    • What is accessibility?
    o Allow for the website to be used by as many people as possible, regardless of any disability the person may have.
    • How do people interpret websites without vision?
    o Typically, screen reading software allows for users with visual impairments to hear an audio version of the text on the website.
    • How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
    o Semantic HTML allows for the screen reading software to properly parse the text and correctly rely on the audio version.
    • Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
    o Use div and span instead of the correct semantics
    o Not providing meaningful labels and acronyms
    o Using line breaks, dashes, and too many abbreviations
    • What is a tab index?
    o It is a global attribute that indicates that the element should be focused and sequentially navigated using the tab key.

    1. What is accessibility?
      It is the best practice to make websites usable for as many people as possible.

    2. How do people interpret websites without vision?
      They use screen readers.

    3. How does semantic HTML help make websites accessible?
      The code of the website has a better structure so anyone can understand it (if a screen reader has to read it, the person listening to it will get the correct content from the website).

    4. Name a few practices to avoid when writing HTML.
      We should avoid using tags like br or div and instead always put proper elements in correct order. We should avoid things like abbreviations or dashes and always use clear language. Alternative texts that describe images that can not be shown should never be just one word, but more descriptive.

    5. What is a tab index?
      It is an attribute that makes not tabbable elements become tabbable. It is best to avoid it and use proper elements in the first place, but if for some reason that is not possible then this attribute becomes useful.