I know you are a busy dude, but if you find the time it would be cool to have your take on this @ivan
No worries it is isn’t in a video, but it would be crazy cool if it was
I have a startup offer but one of their main questions is “Couldn’t we just make our own basic token with something like Token Factory and then bring on a dev later?” I am not sure how to address this and defend my worth in the early stages.
What is your take on Token Factory and services like them? Could a basic token from this service later be modified for enhanced functionality? Even if Token Factory offers scalable tokens, is the risk assessment worth it for a well funded ICO? (eg: risk of built in malicious code from Token Factory or others like them, that drains accounts after huge round of funding). In short, I am basically in an interview and need to know how to address the “outsource” alternatives and how to prove that I am worthy of “founding member”, rather than coming on later after the token sale. Any information in regards to “quick token” services not being ideal would be great as I could pitch myself towards their risk mitigation strategies.