I put FatAssPonies on my GitHub.
It’s growing from here.
It’s kind of overkill maybe,
but I am adding one item at a time, making a note, then committing.
I think that is what GitHub is for,
to keep track of all the changes.
I’m super-stressed right now.
Breaking things down into bits
that barely tickle my brain is helping.
Oh, also, I always try to mess with something.
Even though I may “know” how the code goes
I might hink up a variable
or change arguments in kind, place, or number
just to see what happens.
I try to remember to note that.
The contract so far:
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
import "./Ownable.sol";
import "./Destroyable.sol";
/* Adding event and emit*/
/* Okay... now I'm adding asserts
I discovered that I don't have to use the entire struct in the hash, obviously.
I should be careful to use unique Identifiers.*/
/* Okay... all I'm doing in this contract is creating ponies using a pony struct,
mapping the creator address to the pony struct, then pushing the address to an array
and the structs to a separate array. As these are occurring simultaneously
the indices should be the same.*/
contract FatAssPonies is Ownable, Destroyable {
struct Pony {
string name;
string breed;
uint height;
uint weight;
string color;
bool truePony;
address stall;
event ponyCreated(string name, string breed, string color, bool truePony);
Pony [] public deets;
address [] public byAddy;
mapping (address => Pony) public ponies;
//Need to push the address to an array separate from the mapping...
uint public balance;
modifier costs(uint cost) {
require(msg.value >= cost);
function createPony(string memory name, string memory breed, uint height, uint weight, string memory color) public payable costs(1 ether){
address pony = msg.sender;
Pony memory newPony;
newPony.name = name;
newPony.breed = breed;
newPony.height = height;
newPony.weight = weight;
newPony.color = color;
newPony.truePony = true;
else {
newPony.truePony = false;
newPony.stall = msg.sender;
ponies[pony]= newPony;
emit ponyCreated(newPony.name, newPony.breed, newPony.color, newPony.truePony );
/*Needs to match event in arguments*/
The Ownable:
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
modifier onlyOwner(){
require( msg.sender == owner);
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
And the Destroyable:
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
import "./Ownable.sol";
contract Destroyable is Ownable {
function close() public onlyOwner { //onlyOwner is custom modifier
selfdestruct(msg.sender); // `owner` is the owners address