Problems with intitially running bitcoind

This is what I ran I into in powershell
: You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain. Please advise.
Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover.
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting.
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Shutdown: In progress…
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z scheduler thread interrupt
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Shutdown: done

hello sir, can you please specify what commands are you using in order to execute the bitcoind application?

Also I encourage you to use this topic in order to have a better following of your issue: I am completely stuck.

Carlos Z.


Thanks for your assistance. I have yet to completely sync to the network. Upon initial set up I followed the instructions in in bitcoin 101 - running Bitcoind. in powershell I typed cd. “C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon” the ./bitcoind -printtoconsole I then got a lot of text scrolling and at the end this was posted, the following was copied from powershell.

You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain.
Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover.
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting.
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Shutdown: In progress…
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z scheduler thread interrupt
2020-04-30T16:49:15Z Shutdown: done

was this because the sync had not completed?

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Glad to know that you completed by yourself! be proud of that! :muscle:

That error might appear sometimes because you either do not properly close the node or one or many data files got corrupted at any moment, could be any other reason too…but doing a reindex has you do will rescan and rebuild the blockchain data files from scratch in order to fix any possible error that you have face like that one.

Carlos Z.


The complete chain was not downloaded yet. I got it running. Thanks for your assistance.

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Help if possibl…

2020-08-29T18:39:23Z Checking all blk files are present…
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z LoadBlockIndexDB(): Block files have previously been pruned
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z : You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain.
Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover.
: You need to rebuild the database using -reindex to go back to unpruned mode. This will redownload the entire blockchain.
Please restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate to recover.
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z Aborted block database rebuild. Exiting.
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z Shutdown: In progress…
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z scheduler thread exit
2020-08-29T18:39:23Z Shutdown: done

im lost dont know what im doing wrong … cd “C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon” enter
PS C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon> ./bitcoind -printtoconsole … then enter

Then i have the message saying to redownload the entire blockchain … please restart with -reindex … hlelp is possible … then bitcoin core is up to date with 645894 blocks

have you tried running bitcoind with -reindex argument?


No sir i havent not … i was just following video and never talked about riendex … do i go on google and search that up ??

Alko89 thanks you for the help . <3

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