Hi guys, I hope anyone can explain this to me. Im trying to make a trade on uniswap (i’ve also tried with 1inch), and I get the following:
Do you guys know why my trade has such a big impact? Im only trying to convert 400USDC to SPND … I have tried converting a smaller amount, but for 100USD worth of ETH on gas cost, it doesnt make too much sense, unless I was expecting a 10x from SPND price …
Do you know any resource that I can use to impact the price less, or do you even have an explanation why this happens for some trades and for others is less than 1% . I knjow that it has to do with how the AMM protocol or algortihm works, but does it means it has too few liquidity? should I try converting from USDT? I also tried using ETH and the same happens.