Problem trying statements in Javascript - Control flow

Hey guys,

I just finished reading the assignment on Binding, Functions and Control flow, and I had a little problem.

In the Eloquent Javascript book, the writer gives an example of a control flow like so:

let theNumber = Number(prompt(“Pick a number”));
console.log("Your number is the square root of " + theNumber * theNumber);

For practice purposes, I tried writing it in the console on my Chrome and I had a little problem. When I finished my first line, I hit “enter”, and it executed it right away. I was expecting it to break to the next line in order for me to write the second sentence.
Well, no problem, right? Just try it again! Not exactly. When I tried it again, first I learned that, in order to break the line without executing, I had to hold shift and only then press enter. Otherwise it would keep trying to execute the first sentence right away.

But the main problem is that the console kept giving me this message: "Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘theNumber’ has already been declared at :1:1 ".
So, basically, I was stuck with the first value defined for “theNumber”, without being able to modify it anymore using the prompt. I tried binding other values to theNumber without using the let, but when I tried to reuse theNumber in the same sentence (with the let and the prompt), it wouldn’t allow me, and it kept giving me this error message.

Can anyone explain me what is happening? Thanks!