Privacy vs Transparency

Hello guys, hope everyone is fine.

I was thinking about the aspects that Ivan talks in the session about UTXOs vs Account Model and this issue imediatly catch my attention. I don’t know if you all make the previous course - wich i really suggest that you do - but the issue about PRIVACY keeps ringin in my mind.

If we think about UTXOs model and how it works and then compare it with an account model there’s no way that we can say that UTXOs based network it’s more transparency than anything. Because, yes, you can audit the data, but at what cost? Does it was designed to be more transparent? I really don’t think so… if an online-real-time audit it’s not working, then we could say that, there’s no transparency at all. I mean, it sounds like impossible. Otherwise, the account model seems to be exactly the opposite of it; yes, we are an open book. You see, it continues to be unrestrained (everyone can negotiate) but it’s
really simple to audit and to keep tracking transactions.

For me, UTXO per se it’s a huge problem to bitcoin…

I would like to know your thoughts about this issue… what do you think about it?
