PrimeXBT - Leverage trading platform up to 100x - opinion

Hello, recently I found PrimeXBT and started trading on it (migrated from Bitmex) because of its stability/security and UI. One primary decision to migrate is that there is no lag on the system when there are high spikes in the price on Bitmex.

So I want to know if you find this platform secure and stable enough and would you choose to migrate for the same reasons as me?

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@dingdingo, I am wondering the same. I like that PrimeXBT offers super-low fees and offers leverage, but I wonder how secure it is with sensitive user information. PrimeXBT’s security page has some details, such as

  • Cold storage of digital assets with Multisignature technology
  • Hardware security modules with rating of FIPS PUB 140-2 Level 3 or higher
  • All passwords are cryptographically hashed (using bcrypt with a cost factor of 12) while all other sensitive data is encrypted.
  • Cloudfare to mitigate potential distributed denial-of-service (“DDoS”) attacks.
  • Regular tests and check-ups by our technical team.

How does this compare to other exchanges’ security measures? uses Mozilla’s Observatory-test ( to rate exchanges’ security. Per, PrimeXBT scored B, 90% better than other crypto exchanges (I just ran it myself and it got B+). Sounds positive!

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@dingdingo, have you tried PrimeXBT? If so, curious to hear your assessment of it.