Practice exercise - Booleans & if, else statements - 24. Bus ride

Hello everyone,

I’m a bit stuck with the code I’m writing for the bus ride exercise. I’m trying to have the user enter the number of passengers for each station by clicking on three buttons (one for each station). A message will be logged to the console only after the number of passengers for station 3 is typed in the btn3 prompt.

However, the result I’m getting only takes the third button variable value, and not the sum of all three buttons variables values. It seems like this is a scope issue but can’t figure it out.

Can anyone please let me know what I’m missing here?

<h2>Bus ride</h2>

    <div id="buttons">
      <button id="btnStop1">Station 1</button>
      <button id="btnStop2">Station 2</button>
      <button id="btnStop3">Station 3</button>



      var station1 = "";
      var station2 = "";
      var station3 = "";

      var btn1 = $("#btnStop1").click(function(){

        var station1 = parseInt(prompt("Station 1!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        if(station1 <= 30) {

        }else if(station1 > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (station1 - 30) + " must walk");

      var btn2 = $("#btnStop2").click(function(){

        var station2 = parseInt(prompt("Station 2!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        var stationTwo = station1 + station2;

        if(stationTwo <= 30) {

        }else if(stationTwo > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (stationTwo - 30) + " must walk");

      var btn3 = $("#btnStop3").click(function(){

        var station3 = parseInt(prompt("Station 3!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        var passgArray = [Number(station1), Number(station2), Number(station3)];
        var sum = passgArray.reduce(sumStations);

        function sumStations(total, value) {
          return total + value;

        if(sum <= 30) {
          console.log(sum + " on the bus, we all go to the last station!");

        }else if(sum > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (sum - 30) + " must walk");


Hey @diegosan, hope you are well.

Sorry for the delayed reply, now that function is the one that calculate the total of passengers right?

I dont see anywhere in your code when you initialize that function, you already declared it, but you have not initialized anywhere, maybe thats it.

You can just do something like: var results = sumStations(total, value)

Carlos Z

Hi @thecil, thanks very much for your reply and suggestion.

I ended up modifying the code a bit and was able to fix the issue (solution below). I realized I didn’t need the function sumStations to make the calculations so I removed it and used ‘if / else’ statements instead.

Thanks again for your help!



      var station1 = 0;
      var station2 = 0;
      var station3 = 0;
      var stationTwo;

      var btn1 = $("#btnStop1").click(function(){

        station1 = parseInt(prompt("Station 1!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        if(station1 === 1) {
          console.log(station1 + " passenger on the bus");

        }else if(station1 > 1 && station1 <= 30) {
          console.log(station1 + " passengers on the bus");

        }else if (station1 > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (station1 - 30) + " must walk");

      var btn2 = $("#btnStop2").click(function(){

        station2 = parseInt(prompt("Station 2!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        stationTwo = station1 + station2;

        if(stationTwo === 1) {
          console.log(stationTwo + " passenger on the bus");

        }else if (stationTwo > 1 && stationTwo <= 30) {
          console.log(stationTwo + " passengers on the bus");

        }else if (stationTwo > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (stationTwo - 30) + " must walk");

      var btn3 = $("#btnStop3").click(function(){

        station3 = parseInt(prompt("Station 3!, How many passengers go on the bus?"));

        var resultsOneThree = station1 + station3;
        var resultsAll = stationTwo + station3;

        if(resultsAll <= 30) {
          console.log(resultsAll + " on the bus, we all go to the last station!");

        }else if(resultsAll > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (resultsAll - 30) + " must walk");

        }else if (resultsOneThree <= 30) {
          console.log(resultsOneThree + " on the bus, we all go to the last station!");

        }else if (resultsOneThree > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (resultsOneThree - 30) + " must walk");

        }else if (station3 <= 30) {
          console.log(station3 + " on the bus, we all go to the last station!");

        }else if (station3 > 30) {
          console.log("the bus is full! " + (resultsAll - 30) + " must walk");

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