Permissioned vs Permissionless - Reading Assignment

  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?
    Read & Write info does not allow delete or update
    access to historical data

  2. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?
    public blockchain

  3. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?

  4. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?
    Authorized members only

  5. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?
    maintains any corporate secrets they want kept private
    control over all data

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  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?
    blockchain networks allow for increased trust between parties, and instant access to relevant, authentic information
  2. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?
    decentralized, transparency, Anonymity, digital assets
  3. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?
    bitcoin, ethereum, EOS
  4. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?
    approved people or computer entities
  5. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies
    more control over the network
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  1. Business-to-business benefits of blockchain:

    • increase trust between parties
    • instant access to relevant and authentic information
    • see the historical record of all transactions
  2. Permissionless:

    • Everyone can join, use the network, run a node on the system or employ the mining protocols- no permission needed
    • Decentralizated: no one can change or shut down the network - trustworthy
    • transparent: freedom to see all transactions
  3. Examples of permissionless blockchains:

    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
    • EOS
  4. Only approved and invited people or computers are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain.

  5. Permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies, because they want to control, which data should be public and which is business critical. Also the company needs to know, who has which rights - not everyone needs equal rights -only rights which are important to the job. Also its cheaper to run a public blockchain.

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  1. Uncorruptible data, Security , Trust, better trecebility
  2. Everybody can use it, no need for ID or any certificte
  3. Bitcoin, EOS, Etherium
  4. Those who are approved by admin
  5. Because they can control and protect the data.
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  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?
    Blockchain networks allow for increased trust between parties, and instant access to relevant, authentic information.

  2. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?
    You do not need permission to join.

  3. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?

  4. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?
    Only authorized personal

  5. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?
    Better control and governing, more advanced technology.

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  1. B2B - blockchain networks allow for increased trust between parties, and instant access to relevant, authentic information.
  2. Public Blockchain
  3. Bitcoin, Ethereum & EOS
  4. Specific approved members who are granted access/participation
  5. Varying decentralization where they keep control by setting the rules for the blockchain and they can manage what user level access they allow.
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  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?

Depending on the type of blockchain. If its Permission-less then

  • Decentralization
  • Monetization / Digital assets
  • Anonymity
  • Transparency
  1. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?

A permissionless blockchain is an open system. Open meaning every user is allowed to create a personal address and begin interacting with the network.

  1. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?

Bitcoin, Etherium, Guap Coin

  1. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?

Only those deemed permissible by the block chain owner or recognized authority are allowed access to the network.

  1. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?

Cheap, Safe and FAST

some specific examples might be:

  • Security and or privacy of trade secrets ectera is a concern.
  • A need for tighter control of the network aka better governance (who sees what, does what, ectera)
  • Scaleablity
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  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?

Say H & M can prove they don’t get their clothing made in sweatshops. Diamond companies can prove they aren’t blood diamonds. Designer clothing companies can prove legitimate.

  1. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?

Anyone can be a node, no one is restricted from being a participant within the network.

  1. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?


  1. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?

Whoever is granted access

  1. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?

They are much more efficient, faster, cheaper, and still give governance to the company

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Censorship resistent, eliminates third parties, anti-corruption, transparent transactions, all business parties can read ledger, easy updates and more cost efficient, creates more trust and possibility for immediate and direct transfer of data and transaction is possible.

no permission from a 3rd party is needed

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Eos

Anyone who has the technical perquisites to connect as user or as miner or node.

Because they want to stay in control. For certain things important (business secrets, privacy issues)

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  1. What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?
    Increases trust between parties and provides a way to instantly access and authenticate relevant information. It removes the need of a third party and creates a trust layer.

  2. What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?

  • Anyone can join the network, issue transactions, validate transactions and has access to all information including past transactions and how transactions are added into the block. All users can run a node and generally there is a user-incentivizing token to mine.
  1. What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?
  • Bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin
  1. Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?
    Only users that are given the credentials/permissions to do so by the permissioned blockchain’s consortium

  2. Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?
    It’s more efficient, faster, cheaper and gives them control on the type of information users have access to as well as what they can do in the network. Increases privacy.

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1-What benefits does blockchain offer in collaborations between companies?
Blockchain allows greater trust between all parties and instant access to relevant and authentic information.

2-What property of a blockchain refers to the name “Without permission”?
Any user can join the blockchain, generate or validate transactions.

3-What are 3 examples of blockchains without permission?
Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano

4-Who is allowed to join an authorized blockchain network?
Only to nodes that are authorized by the owner or administrator of the network.

5-Why do you think many companies prefer authorized blockchain networks?
This for the issue of security in handling sensitive information.

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1 What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?
Transparency, integrity, security.

2 What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?
Trustless, free to join the network

3 What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?
Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS

4 Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?
Mainly private companies but you need to ask to be granted on the network.

5 Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?
Because it grants them control over the network unlike a permissionless blockchain.

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  1. In business-to-business scenarios, blockchain networks allow for:
    • Increased trust between parties.
    • Instant access to relevant authentic information.
    • Greater security, transparency, and efficiency.
  2. A permissionless blockchain is public…anyone can use it…no permission is required.
  3. Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS.
  4. Authorized users only.
  5. Control, governance, privacy, cost, scalability.
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What benefits do blockchain provide in business-to-business collaborations?

  • Allows the transfer of data/assets/value between two parties
  • Eliminates the need to rely on a third party to facilitate the said transfer.
  • Provides a trust layer that did not exist until now, for all types of transactions
  • All members of the network have access to the same information via the ledger,
  • Makes it easy for participants to verify and authenticate past transactions.

What property of a blockchain does the name “Permissionless” refer to?


  • Anyone can create a personal address and begin interacting with the network, by submitting transactions, and hence adding entries to the ledger and given the choice of running a node on the system, or employing the mining protocols to help verify transactions.

What are 3 examples of permissionless blockchains?

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Tron

Who are allowed to join a permissioned blockchain network?

  • own, internal business operations.
    -private blockchains are run by specific members of consortiums or companies, and members need to opt-in for the creation of such a network.

Why do you think permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies?

  • Better Control
  • Private
  • Better for internal business operations
  • Not required to be Transparent may decided to remain Anonymous
  • Internal Governance decided my its members
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1 In business-to-business collaborations companies can choose what tape of blockchain they need it
permissioned or permisionless.
2 Permisionless is a public blockchain where you can see all the transactions and etc.
3 Bitcoin, ETH and EOS
4 The owner of permissioned blockchain has the rights to invite and do other actions.
5 Because in many cases you need to have some privacy and confident approach.

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  1. Blockchain provides benefits of TRUST without middleman in business-to-business collaborations, by giving instant access to relevant and authentic information.

  2. The name “Permissionless” refers to the fact that anyone can participate in a blockchain without asking permission.

  3. Examples of permissionless blockchains are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, EOS.

  4. In order to join a permissioned blockchain network, you shall be approved by a central authority.

  5. Permissioned blockchain networks are preferred by many companies, because they want to keep control on the business aspects, on the transparency and the governance.

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  1. A blockchain can eliminate a third party to settle or account for transactions, increase security, provide direct access to records, enables business partners to verify transactions, reduce costs and the time required to do certain tasks. The benefits of blockchain for businesses (and the public) are still being explored, so there is no single correct answer to this question (yet).

  2. Permissionless refers to a blockchain that can be accessed by anyone, without having to fulfill special requirements. Anyone can read the blockchain, download the blockchain (full node) or even participate in the consensus algorithm (block producer).

  3. The most well-known permissionless blockchains are bitcoin and ethereum. But there are many more (some of them forks of those two chains) like bitcoin cash, ethereum classic, litecoin, tron, neo, nem, tezos, eos and so on.

  4. The body operating a permissioned blockchain can give permission to other parties. Typically, business partners and employees can join such a network.

  5. Companies often prefer permissioned blockchains due to their more centralized nature. Companies are in control of the network and they can ensure that no party can read or create data on the blockchain. Business and trade secrets are not visible to the public. Another benefit of a more centralized blockchain is the higher throughput compared to public blockchains.

Opinion: Recent developments in newer public blockchains and established blockchains might win over many businesses in the coming years.

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  1. Transparency, anti-corruption and elimination of third party facilitators.
  2. No one controls the blockchain so it refers to transparency property.
  3. btc, ethereum, litecoin
  4. Authorized users.
  5. Control, privacy, governance and cost effectiveness.
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  • Eliminates third-parties - Transparency - Speed.
  • A permissionless blockchain lets anyone participate in the system.
  • Bitcoin - Ethereum - Litecoin.
  • The people or companies with authority given by certain owner.
  • The might have sensitive data - Easier to control.
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  1. In B2B collaborations, blockchains provide transparency of record and the ability for anyone operating on the blockchain to verify transactions on the blockchain. This enhances security and efficiency.

  2. Permissionless refers to the ability for anyone to interact with the blockchain without approval from anyone else.

  3. Examples of permissionless blockchains include Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum.

  4. In permissioned blockchains, only those who are authorized by the governing body/entity can join the network.

  5. Permissioned blockchains are preferred by many companies because they can maintain greater control of the network.

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