I need help debugging what seems like a simple thing:
My Migrator code:
const CoinFlip = artifacts.require("CoinFlipWager");
module.exports = function(deployer, network, accounts) {
deployer.deploy(CoinFlip).then((instance) => {
My main.js code, although only concerned at this point about ‘mydebug()’ output, which I call after jQuery doc-ready is done, as I want to see if I’m setting my ‘House’ address & my ‘Bettor’ address.
Heres what I think I’m doing:
1 - migrator sets ‘house’ address to accounts[2] via ‘setter’
2 - sol contract has getBetter and getHouse and setHouse methods
3 - main.js - after instance is returned, I call an initialize function which calls mydebug function, which simply console logs these 2 addresses after calling getter methods
BUT, the console logs show addresses as ‘null’
I’m struggling to figure out why this is.
var web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider);
// Declare var we will load contract instance to
var contractInstance;
var bettorEthAddress;
var houseEthAddress;
// Create a contract instance in Javascript so we can interact with it - replicates contract instance in blockchain
// by wrapping in some javascript magic so we can then call functions in contract
// Web3 has helper functions for this
$(document).ready(function() {
// This brings up box for user permission for web page to access MetaMask
// Returns a promise, so when permission granted, we can do our thing
// 'Accounts' is an array of address supplied by MetaMask - will be the main address used by MetaMask
// 'abi' is available after contract is deployed in truffle
// go into project, build folder, and look for json file and within this config, near top, you will
// see 'abi' array -- copy the whole thing!!
// - create new file in dapp folder called 'abi.js' and assign to var there
// for 'address', redeploy (migrate --reset from truffle console), and in the output of that,
// copy 'contract address:'
// 'accounts[0]' is the address of whomever is using the contract
window.ethereum.enable().then((accounts) => {
// assign contract address for CoinFlipWager.sol we get after compile
let contractAddress = '0xAded911ECAFaC9Fc8b44ed8f059aF1ec53D76c7D';
console.log('STEP 1 - main.js - enable function in doc ready');
// create new contract instance
contractInstance = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress, {from: accounts[0]});
console.log('Contract Instantiated');
// Click Handler for submitting form to flip the coin to win or lose amount wagered
$('#betOption').focus(() => {
$('#wagerAmount').focus(() => {
function mydebug() {
console.log('In My Debug');
houseEthAddress = contractInstance.methods.getHouseAdr().call().then((result) => {
console.log('Get House Result is = ' + result);
return result;
bettorEthAddress = contractInstance.methods.getBettorAdr().call().then((result) => {
console.log('Get Bettor Result is = ' + result);
return result;
// Get's balances of the 'house' and 'bettor' (contract user) addresses
// Updates screen using jquery
// Also returns balances for using contracts
async function getBalances(houseWalletAddress, bettorAddress) {
let houseBalance = '';
let bettorBalance = '';
// get the house balance
await web3.eth.getBalance(houseWalletAddress, (error, result) => {
if (!error) {
houseBalance = parseFloat(web3.utils.fromWei(result, "ether"));
$('#display-house-balance').html(houseBalance + ' ETH');
await web3.eth.getBalance(bettorAddress, (error, result) => {
if (!error) {
bettorBalance = parseFloat(web3.utils.fromWei(result), "ether");
$('#display-bettor-balance').html(bettorBalance + ' ETH');
return {houseBalance: houseBalance, bettorBalance: bettorBalance}
function flipCoin() {
let validated = true;
let betOption = $("#betOption option:selected").val();
let betAmount = $('#wagerAmount').val() > 0 ? $('#wagerAmount').val() : "0";
console.log ("STEP 2 - Main.js flipCoin function");
// Validate Input
if (betOption === 'choose' || betAmount === 0) {
$('#status-msg').html("You must select 'Heads/Tails' & wager an amount > 0");
validated = false;
console.log('changing validated to false 1');
// Get bettorAccount
console.log('bettor addr');
console.log('house addr');
// Get balances to re-verify
preBetBalances = getBalances(houseEthAddress, bettorEthAddress);
console.log('pre bet bal');
console.log('bet amount = ' + betAmount);
// verify balances
if (betAmount > preBetBalances.houseBalance || betAmount > preBetBalances.bettorBalance) {
$('#status-msg').html("You can't bet more than either your balance or the house balance");
validated = false;
console.log('changing validated to false 2');
// json object arg for send
let config = {
house: address[2],
betOption: betOption,
betAmount: web3.utils.toWei(betAmount, "ether"),
console.log ("STEP 3 - Main.js flipCoin function - about to call placeWager contract method");
console.log('validated = ' + validated);
if (validated) {
console.log('config = ');
async function initialize() {
await mydebug();
My Solidity code
import "./Ownable.sol";
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
contract CoinFlipWager is Ownable{
//TODO - look at migrator in genesis project
// 1 - DONE -- setHouseAddress() method in this contract
// 2 - DONE -- in the migrator, set it to accounts[2]
// In placeWager, pass in betAmount, betOption, return flip result (as a string), winner, loser, payout
// In placeWager, call flip(), then -> if betOption == flip result, figure out how to take money and pay money
// in solidity docs, there is a 'Withdrawal' example to use (don't use transfer directly) and my evernote notes
// After working, add requires & asserts - rewatch solidity 101 videos for all of it, starting with events!!!!!!!!
// events is last section in Additional Solidity concepts
// Vars
address bettor;
address house;
// Based on coin flip result, we will assign above to addresses as winner & loser
mapping (address => uint) winner;
mapping (address => uint) loser;
// Lets assign the addresses
constructor() public payable {
address bettor = msg.sender;
// Getters
function getBettorAdr() public view returns(address) {
return bettor;
function getHouseAdr() public view returns(address) {
return house;
// Setters
// In migration file, we set houseAdr to be accounts[2], from our ganache block of adrs
function setHouseAddress(address houseAdr) public {
address house = houseAdr;
// Coin flip
// 0 - heads
// 1 - tails
function flip() public view returns (uint) {
return now % 2;