What DeFi projects are you most exited about?
My personal favorite DeFi stack at the moment is:
Etheruem: https://ethereum.org/ (Protocol layer)
Tezos: https://tezos.com/ (Protocol layer)
KyberNetwork: https://kyber.network/ (DEX)
Loopring: https://loopring.org/ (DEX)
Maker DAO: https://makerdao.com/ (Lending/Borrowing)
AAVE: https://aave.com/ (Lending/Borrowing)
Syntetix: https://www.synthetix.io/ (Asset creation)
And %40 I have in DAI to Dollar-cost average in and get ± 10% APY
See: https://loanscan.io/
Check here some cool resources to explore the DeFi landscape in more depth:
The new era of Fundamental research is here tokens in a DeFi portfolio have actual fundamentals and earnings.
Great website for research: