Missing video(s) for catalogue and k-factory?

On the Breeding Frontend assignment video Filip talks about the catalogue and k-factory htmls but there’s no video(s) discussing them.

My question is, are there any video(s) available for these or not? (I’m aware there’s another topic similar to this one, but that one doesn’t really provide any additional information other than ‘they’re assignments’).


There are not videos for those 2 components of the dapp, by that time, those were 2 assignments to challenge the student to made them by their own (by that point, they should have enough knowledge on html, css and js to build their own component for it).

Hope this help :nerd_face:

Carlos Z


Hey bro did you check the repo of the project? You can find the files there.

Final Code: https://github.com/Ivan-on-Tech-Academy/academy-cryptokitties